Forum: SOx Compliance

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Lawson Admin and Superuser access      

Started By  Pragya Jain
Hi, we are auditing Lawson Security (both 9 and 10 versions) and need help in understanding the admin roles: Which roles can add / remove users and change roles for other users Which roles are considered superuser/all-access type roles Thanks for the help! :)
3 33666 2
by JudeBac

Use of sudo      

Started By  Unix-dude
I'm a consultant, with background as a Unix administrator. My team is doing a security review for a client and looking at a Lawson installation on AIX. My client makes heavy use of sudo, a tool that doles out root privileges to specific users. Looking at the sudo logs, this is what I see dozens of instances of Lawson users executing 'sudo su -', effectively becoming root complete with a hash prompt, creating users with the 'useradd' command even though the system uses LDAP authentication work...
4 27278 1
by Unix-dude

MA60: Who owns it?      

Started By  TerriS
I think it's a simple question. Currently, AP monitors our MA60 screen, but MM wants it. I'm just curious .... Who monitors the MA60 screen at your place of business
2 27668 1
by Kat V

LS Rule Text for SoD?      

Started By  joemurrell
Hello, I'm assisting a client with a SoD exercise for Lawson. I've received a system extract of security settings and am looking for a list of the 'rule texts' Does anyone have such a list or know where I can find one For example, one of my rules states: cn=-200558ae:12e3f966408:-7f68,cn=Rules,cn=PRD,cn=Profiles,o=lwsnSecData,o=lwsn,dc=,dc=com lwsnLSXMLText:I,N,P lwsnLSRuleType:RULE lwsnLSRuleText:'I,N,P' lwsnLSRuleId:-200558ae:12e3f966408:-7f68 The clie...
0 5594 1

Command Line Access      

Started By  andrew
We want to better secure the command line access to our lawson server. We tried to turn on the server windows firewall (server 2008)....but that blocks all LID access. We would like to create a rule in the firewall to allow certain admin users or their pc 's that will allow the LID exe to run (univwin64.exe) Does anyone know how to do this. OR what other solutions can I implement, for SOX compliance - to show that only admins have LID Command line access
0 4804 0

Lawson Admin Segregation of Duties      

Started By  Deleted User
We're being pressured by auditors about breaking up into two the Lawson Admin who puts something (mod/CTP/Env Patch) into our Test environment and the Admin who puts it into Production. Our practice has been: 1. Dick puts quarterly patches into test; Harry puts environment patches into test. (user testing occurs) 2. Dick then puts quarterly patches into prod; Harry puts environment patches into prod. (All Lawson Admins have keys to test and prod e.g. the lawson password.) Auditors woul...
3 26588 0
by Deleted User

File Change log - Windows      

Started By  andrew
We are being asked to provider a summary of Lawson files that are changed and/or updated. I believe audit concerns are when a program code is changed due to a patch...or a user changing the source code. Do you know of any software that would monitor these changes
4 26869 0
by andrew

Using a generic userid for processing      

Started By  John Henley
I wanted to poll the community and see how clients who are subject to SOx are dealing with daily/monthly processing. In various organizations I have consulted with, the daily/monthly scheduled jobs are usually run using a general userid, rather than being tied to a specific user. The advantage is that, given normal turnover, the jobs do go away when the employee terminates. In addition, the jobs / reports are accessible to a generic userid in the print manager, etc. This disadvantage is that,...
14 47761 0
by Ashish Karkera

Mandatory field settings for master data      

Started By  anton lissone
I'm relatively new to M3 Lawson and currently working for a client that uses M3 as their primary ERP system. We have designed an Internal Control framework that contains many controls that depend on the Lawson system. One of which is Mandatory settings of fields in the customer/vendor master data. What i would like to check is how i can set/change which fields are mandatory while creating a new customer/vendor What function do i use to set this up
0 6429 0

Lawson customization change mgt under L9.0.1.7 - best practice      

Started By  Steve
We customized a few base Lawson screens, reports, use B/M/E exit programs for Lawson data and external systems...20 objects - we formally used a mod library ahead in the lib list and used Aldon to move from Dev to Prod - now its mostly on IFS - we don't want to upgrade Aldon for a few objects. Anybody develop a method for accurately and IT audit-passing (audit trail) for change mgt on the AS400 Thanks in advance for all thoughts and experiences !
1 25559 0
by Mark F. Hardy

SOX compliance - Lawson 8.0.3      

Started By  mka
Hello, I am new to Lawson, We have Lawson 8.0.3 on HP UNIX 11.23 and Oracle 10g.  As per SOX, we need to comply the password policy such as 90 days expiration/password length/history etc.. Is anyone done this I have few thoughts on this. 1. Is there any way we can tap in to company Active Directory or call windows API 'NetValidatePasswordPolicy' for the Lawson users 2. Is there anyway we can modify java code in the logon.htm (OR modify any other file) fo...
3 25850 0
by John Henley

Default Lawson logins      

Started By  Deleted User
For my SOX testing, I need a list of default Lawson operating system logins.  Where can I get that  Does it depend on the module, or is there some consistency Thanks! Nancy
4 26334 0
by Vijay S

Where and what objects to look for to review program changes - directory and file permissions in Unix      

Started By  lidersuper
I am auditing IT general controls for a Lawson GL application. I have normally looked at PD, WS, SCR, RPT, and PGM file extensions under the PROD and SYSTEM Unix diretories to review the population of program changes during a fiscal year. 1. Should I also be looking at other file extensions (.xml, .gnt ..) and other directories to identify production objects that have been modified and that could change the way the application performs calculations or reports 2. Most of the files in the ...
1 26584 0
by Roger French

Extracting a list of Lawson user IDs      

Started By  Deleted User
How can I extract a list of users from Lawson Better yet, does anyone know the name of the table that stores the user information (username, user's Security Class, active/inactive, etc.) This client does not have Monarch, so I'm hoping I can have their DBA run a query in Oracle if there is no easy way to do it straight from the app itself. Thanks-
8 48986 1
by Deleted User

Screen Names      

Started By  k-rock
Does anybody have a way to get a listing of screen names I grabbed the data dictionary here and that was great for the 'program code', but I am looking for the more specific names of each form. For example: GL20 in the data dictionary is 'Accounting Units', but GL20.1 is 'Accounting Units-Account'. That second name is the one I am looking for now.
4 39232 0
by k-rock

Security Class Review      

Started By  k-rock
How do people do quarterly access reviews of each security class in LAUA Anybody have anything better than the paper reports from LAUA
7 37694 1
by John Costa

Paint Screen      

Started By  christopherkeane
Hi Everyone, I am new to this forum and Lawson. I have searched the web and found that this and LawsonTalk have been very helpful on getting me up to speed. A little about myself, I work with an accounting firm and spend the majority of my year assisting our clients Internal Audit departments prepare for their external auditors. My focus is SOX compliance. Well, my company has a large knowledge library for all applications apart from Lawson, so i have come here in search of ...
4 38896 0
by christopherkeane

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