GHR My Organization - Is there a way to print the Org Chart?

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Good Morning,

I hope all is well with everyone.

With all the org changes lately, there is some pretty good demand for refreshed Org Charts.

Is there a way inside of GHR to "print out" the Org Chart for "My Organization"?

I've searched and searched, but can't seem to noodle it.



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Posts: 4
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Hi Steve, If you have a manager role and is using Rich Client, you can navigate to Manager > My Staff > My Organization tab > (wait for it to load everyone on your org) > go to "chevron"-like button beside My Organizations > Options > Click Print to PDF. (tip: you can minimize the Supervisor Chart View for better export to pdf) In web UI, there is no print to pdf but I'm thinking of a workaround: Manager > My Staff > My Organization tab > (wait for it to load everyone on your org) > beside "Charts" button, right-click it then choose Print.. (tip: Hide the left pane (where the navigations are shown) then minimize your browser frame) I hope it helps. Regards, Cray