LTM V11 cu17 Create all reporting relationships

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We are testing LTM V11 CU17 and have found that when we add or change a supervisor a "rebuild reporting relationship" kicks off wiping out the managers mystaff.  This job takes about three hours to run so there are managers that may not see MyStaff or only see part of Mystaff during this update.  Lawson did update the security and is why this is happening now.  In V10 I have supervisor maintenance jobs that run in the early morning hours but now it is happening when HR makes updates to supervisor.  I do have incident opened with Lawson and it is in research right now.  My understanding there is not a way to turn this functionality off so that it can be run through the scheduler.  I am looking for a better way to manage this.  Any input is appreciated. 
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We have version 11 and we created a process flow to suspend these during the day and run during the night.
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Hi Patty/ Connie, We are in v11 LTM as well. i didnt quite understand the discussion here. we at times get this issue as well. Why are we getting this issue ? How are you able to stop it via process flow. Please guide me.