Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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PR13 error message      

Started By  RachelM
I'm helping do some error corrections and I can't seem to get passed this one. PR13 - I'm trying to enter Resident State (Work State is already populated). I get the following error message when I try and 'change': State tax fields cannot be changed with tax filter 1 or 2. Thoughts on what I'm doing wrong
2 5243 0
by Dom R

PR82 add-in's upload or AGS call upload      

Started By  Julia
does anyone have a PR82 add-in's upload or excel AGS call upload that they use to load adjustments to PR82 that they would be willing to share We have a need to do a large volume of quarterly payroll tax adjustments related to an acquisition that was done earlier this year. We can do it manually but it would take more than 80 hours to complete the work. thank you
6 4273 0
by Orlando Gray

Using ADP Garnishment      

Started By  Beate Hughes-Brown
We just went live with ADP Garnishment.  Does anyone who uses this process have a recommendation on when to run the PB103  Seems we should run the PB102 after we close payroll.  But is there a good place to run the PB103  Before beginning payroll perhaps
2 22765 2
by Belma

401(K) provider file      

Started By  tdwcpa
Our 401(K) provider, Principal Financial, is requiring us to provide a file weekly with various information like 401(k) deduction, employer match, loan repayments year to date wages and various other static information.  I would like to know if there are other Lawson 10 users that may have to provide a similar file to their 401(K) provider and if you are willing to share how you generated this file. Thanks Tammy Waters
2 27427 1
by ebmetcalfe

ADP W2 and Lawson Payroll      

Started By  Belma
Any one using ADP tax W2 service  I am looking to see if anyone knows of a field in Lawson V10 for W2 print indicator on PB202. Thanks, Belma
0 3390 1

Links in Manager Self Service      

Started By  Jolene Jackson
Hi, we are looking to add some additional links in Manager self service under direct reports and I was wondering if any one had done this already We are hoping to pull in things like assignments, pay history etc. We would also like to change the icon for the drill around as it is not very intuitive.   We were able to remove a few of the links we didn't want and add one, but the back functionality is not working as expected.  Any suggestions or pointers would be appreciated.
0 3422 0

Company switching Banks for Direct Deposit (Prenotes)      

Started By  maalimsimo
We are a Lawson 10.0.7, HR/Payroll only shop. Our company is switching banks for Direct Deposit (prenotification). We are trying to do the setup for the new bank and we are running into some difficulty. Initially, we set up a new 'Bank Code' thru the form PR01.2 and left the 'Cash Account' with the old bank values. Then, using this new Bank Code, we created a record for the new Bank. The record on the BANKACCT table looks fine, but PRSYSTEM has a new record for the new bank that is missing...
0 2604 0

2012R2 OS      

Started By  Greg Moeller
OK, we at Genesis Health System cannot be the only ones that are in this situation. We are running most/all of our Lawson systems on 2012R2 and we have been getting confusing information about  what will be supported and when.  First we get a notice from Infor that the on-prem version 10 will be supported until 2030. Recently we have gotten a notice from them about being off of 2012R2 by October.  Which is it, or is it 'both' What are other clients doing that are in this situation ...
0 2458 0

Storing Pronouns      

Started By  Krysh
Any place that folks are storing Pronouns attached to the employee that has worked well.  Ideally someone could update their own in EMSS but there aren't a lot of options for that so that may not work.
2 7144 0
by Krysh

Automatically stopping benefits      

Started By  Mark Petereit
It's been about 10 years since I had my hands in benefits administration in Lawson and I'm drawing a blank. I'm working with a Lawson client who is loading annual benefits enrollments. They have employees being added to a new EL plan 7/1/2023, but they system is not automatically ending their previous EL enrollment as of 6/30/2023 as I would expect. For the life of me, I can't remember where it's set up to say an employee can only be enrolled in one EL plan. Help LOL Mark
0 3026 0

Anyone using PR124 for RROP calc?      

Started By  kfawku123
Is anyone out there currently using PR124 to calculate regular rate of pay in CA  If so, are you including OT earnings in your calculations  Would be interested in hearing more about your PR20.3 setup. bout your PR20.3 setup.
0 2539 0

Life Age Reduction on benefits plans      

Started By  Colleen Bertagnolli
I know the questions has been asked before (years ago)...  Has Lawson ever changed anything in their setups to attached an age reduction table to a supplemental life plan
1 1855 0
by John Henley

BN11.1 Postal Code Tables      

Started By  Colleen Bertagnolli
Recently  we set up a new health plan utilizing the postal code table (the plan has an employee group and a postal code table attached to it under the Eligible tab).  When I go to the BN31.2 (Employee Benefit Entry) employees whose zip is not attached to the postal code table are showing as eligible.  We have never used the postal table before.  Am I missing a step somewhere
0 1701 1

Division of Responsibilities      

Started By  DPH
We've had some personnel changes recently in our company, so we're thinking now may be a good time to review how some payroll-related tasks are currenly split between Payroll and HR. Currently HR staff creates new Pay Codes in Lawson, along with Position and Job Codes. Additionally, HR creates Pay Codes in the Time and Attendance application. Is it typical for HR to create Pay Codes in Lawson Or in T&A applications
1 2628 0
by Lisa Mott

Spousal Life coverage reduction      

Started By  Colleen Bertagnolli
Just set up a new Spousal plan (under Plan Type DL) for a flat amount and using an coverage reduction table based on age.  The BN18.8 (Salary Age Service) is set for the age of the employee. When I add the benefit to an employee it is calculating the coverage reduction based on the Spouse's age not the employee's age.    Not sure where to go from here.   Thanks in advance for any help
0 2366 1

PA52 - Reverse an action.      

Started By  HRPRO
Hello Everyone,   I recently joined the company and I am new to Lawson and I am having this issue that i cant reverse the termination action. I have entered the wrong date of terminationa and terminated employee. Now, I am going back to PA52 and tried to revers an action but I am getting this error which says Cant reverse, No histrory existed. What are the other ways I can chage the termination date
2 3197 2

BN53.1 Add-In      

Started By  Cactus
We are migrating to Solstice. They require a  EDI 834_5010 full file which is produced by the BN106 program. BN106 needs the BN53.1 screen to be populated with data. I can manually enter records but we cant manually enter thousands of records. I have been working with Don Peterson trying to design an add-in and are so far unsucessfull. Has anyone sucessfully created an add-in for BN53.1 Thank you for your assistance.   Mark
7 1917 1
by Cactus

Life Age Reduction on benefits plans      

Started By  Colleen Bertagnolli
For our optional life we have an age based coverage reduction.  The reduction calculates on the Current date (employee's DOB).  Benefits would like to have the premium amount change at the begining of the following year (01/01) instead of the time of the coverage reduction..  Is there a way  to do that   Thanks in Advance for your input!
3 1866 0
by Colleen Bertagnolli

bn105 error message      

Started By  Colleen Bertagnolli
I need to change some of the set ups in our Life Insurance plans.  We need to change the coverage reduction rules from As of Date to Current and contribution under the BN18.8 under Age  from First of Month to As of Date.  I have the new start date of 4/1/2024 on the BN18.4 and BN17.3 sceens with these changes.  When I run the BN105, I am having an issue with two of our plans that use a multiple of Salary Limits.  I get the error message: ' Default multiple not setup;must enter multiple'.  Not re...
6 2981 1
by Colleen Bertagnolli

Benefit change/termination rules      

Started By  Colleen Bertagnolli
Can old benefit change/termination rules be deleted (BN16.3 and BN16.4) without harm  We have a number of them especially on the benefit plans that keep changing (one year it is next pay period the next it is end of month etc).   Thank you
0 1216 1

CA Section 125 401k Plan      

Started By  Michelle J
Does anyone have any recommendations on how to facilitate CA Section 125 401k plans in Lawson  Currently, if we use the regular 401k tax status it does not reduce the taxable wages for CADI and UE.  I see there there is a tax status of 62 for this type of plan.  However, the deductions don't stop at the annual limits.  We want to avoid doing the manual CADI and UE adjustments so we are looking for an alternative setup.  Any advice would be appreciated!   Thanks! Michelle Johnson
0 832 0

Canada Tax Calculation (Federal and Provincial) Issue      

Started By  sreeP
Initially, we had problem with CPP2 calculation issuem and after working with Infor for several months they have given some patches and after applying them the CPP2 is calculating correctly. But, we have recently realized that the Federal and Provincial Tax was calculated incorrectly. When we compared the taxes randomly wih PDOC calculation, we realize that the Infor calculation was less than what it needs to be.The taxes were wrong till August month and from September month the taxes are calcul...
1 935 0
by Ragu Raghavan


Started By  Beckey
When I try to enroll a retiree in 72.1 health plan I get an error message:  More than one premium record set up for emp Can anyone assist   Thanks! Beckey
0 1766 0

Post Tax Benefit Plan Table      

Started By  PHInforLawson
Hi, totally new to Laswon.  I have a report that is joining EMPLOYEE data to BENEFIT table deduction data to R_PLAN plan data. All the information in the BENEFIT table is pre-tax deduction data. Is there another table that has post-tax deduction data  Thanks
1 2982 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Pay Rate History to Show All Positions      

Started By  DarrenB
Does anyone know how to modify payratehistory.htm to show all pay rate changes for the employee It appears to only show the primary position changes based on the htm code.
0 990 0
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