BN72 and BN32 Uploads

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Dave Williams
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Posts: 27
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I use uploads for BN32 and BN72.  Recently I noticed that my upload did not affect the correct benefit on an employee record.  When mapping Excel columns to the correct LAWSON detail field, I have always used the "r0" option. If the "r0" option if selected (e.g., "_f24:r0,PTB-COV-OPTION1") then LAWSON will update detail row 0 (which is the 1st row of detail records).  I have noticed that LAWSON displays the detail records in the following order:  HL, DN, EL, followed by DC and RS (at least that's how it is in my system). So, if Row(0) is HL and I am trying to STOP a DN benefit which is on row(1), Lawson returns a "Change Complete - Continue". But, when I check LAWSON, the HL benefit was changed, not the DN record.

If every single employee had the same number of benefit-election-detail rows (HL,DN, EL, DC, RS) then I can see where I could programmatically set the row value to the correct number (r0,r1,r2,etc. corresponding to HL,DN, EL, etc.) But, not every employee has DN (for example) and so row 2 (r1) will not always be DN.

Can someone explain to me how this scenario works?  How do I map my Excel columns to LAWSON field rows in the Upload Wizard in order to affect the correct detail record (HL or DN or EL, etc.)??


Dave Williams HCPS