Lawson ESS/Kronos ESS

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Shane Jones
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Anyone think this would work to "Automatically" log associates into KRONOS????


Lawson System Technology: How to create and use a black box service  
Article ID:556034  
I would like to set up a black box service so that our end users can access a non-Lawson web-based application from Lawson Portal and be automatically logged into it.  How do I do this?  
The following is an example of how to create and use a black box service.  In this example, a black box service will be created for  I want to add an identity for the new service for one user and create a bookmark for the service.
I. Create a black box service for
  1. From a command line on the application server, enter ssoconfig -c to launch the ssoconfig utility.
  2. Enter the password
  3. Choose (5) Manage Lawson Services
  4. Choose (1) Add new service
  5. Enter for the service name
  6. Choose (1) Form
  7. Enter user,password for the attributes
  8. Press Enter to specify no further attributes for encryption
  9. Press Enter to specify no optional attributes
  10. Enter 'password' password to allow users to change their password
  11. Choose (2) Use HTTPS always
  12. Enter NULL for the HTTP URL used to authenticate to this service.  
  13. Enter https://mylawson.lawson.c...G9ydGxldHMubG9naW4!/  for the HTTP URL used to authenticate to this service. (If this URL doesn't work, a new one can be determined by right-clicking on the login page and selecting View Source.)
  14. Enter wps.portlets.userid for the username field for this service.  This can be determined by running Fiddler, a Microsoft tool, while logging into
  15. Enter password for the password field for this service.
  16. This is not a grey box service.  Choose (2) NO.
  17. This is a black box service.  Choose (1) YES.
  18. For the URL for this service in regular expression format, enter the following:
    This will cause this black box service to be used whenever a Portal bookmark points to a URL that begins with
  19. Enter 10 for the call back time to be safe.
  20. Enter https://mylawson.lawson.comm/wps/portal for the URL for the service.
  21. "The service is created." should appear.  Choose (12) Exit.
II. Add an identity for the new service for a user
  1. Open and log in to Lawson Security Administrator
  2. Click User Management > User Maintenance
  3. Perform a query and find the user
  4. Right click on the user and select Manage Identities
  5. Select the new service,
  6. Enter and confirm the user's password for
  7. Enter the user's username for
  8. Click Edit > Add
III. Create a bookmark for the service
  1. Log into Portal as a user who has access to Bookmark Manager
  2. Open Bookmark Manager
  3. We want to put the new bookmark for under a new parent, so we need to add that first.  Click Add at the bottom.
  4. Enter My Black Box Services in the Bookmark Name field
  5. Enter A in the Access field.
  6. Click Add Top Level Bookmark
  7. Right-click on the new parent bookmark and select Add Child
  8. Enter for the bookmark name
  9. In the URL field, enter SSO|URL=
  10. Enter A in the Access field.
  11. Click Add Child
  12. Click Update Cache
IV. Add bookmark to user's navigation bar
  1. Log in to Portal as the user
  2. Click the Preferences button and select Content
  3. Drag and drop the new parent bookmark to the Navigation column
  4. Click Save and then Reload Portal
Click on the new bookmark.  You should momentarily see "Performing login to remote service…" and then be logged on to the site.
As a reminder, this is only an example.  Many of the actions we took could be different based on your requirements and/or preferences.
Additional Information:  
Google is a great resource for help with constructing regular expressions.
regular expression regex black box service sso ssop ssoconfig 4592 automatic login logon log navigations book marks    

Shane Jones
Tools: HR, Payroll, Benefits, PFI, Smart Office, BSI, Portal and Self-Service
Systems: Lawson, Open Hire, Kronos, Crystal Reporting, SumTotal Learning
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