Problems with PR530 after upgrade MSP6

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After the upgrade, we are having issues with common department names in different process levels. Before the upgrade, the home process level was the default. Now the process level is required. How do you deal with departmens transfers within a process level?
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Looking for someone who has a KRONOS PR530 interface to Lawson (PRTRCSV) and has employees who charge time to other than their home department within their home Process Level. Our interface includes the department number in the DIST-DEPART field but not the home Process Level in the DIST-PROC-LEV field. This has worked fine since 2009. Last week we upgraded to ESP8/MSP6 and this situation is failing with the error message "Department not found". Do others do as we do (no value in DIST-PROC-LEV) or do you include the Process Level in the field even though it is the same as the employee's home PL?
Ragu Raghavan
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Just in case there is no other work-around, it should not take long to write a 4GL or other routine to read the CSV file, look up employee table, fetch and populate the process level before PR530 is run.
Carolyn Lee
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we had a similar issue with the upgrade. we customized PRTRDPD to default the employee's home process level. we also applied ctp 78565 for another defaulting issue, maybe try this first b4 the customization. this error caused timerecords to disappear from PRTIME and tax deductions to not update on PRDISTRIB. the affected employees also received double checks and deductions. It was fun correcting it all.
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Carolyn, thanks, can you give more detail on the PRTIME and PRDISTRIB and double checks/deds errors after applying MSP6? What caused those issues and is there a correcting CTP? Thanks!
Carolyn Lee
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in our case the employees transfered to another process level and dept- the pr530 assigned the transferred process level, instead of the home process level. this is a key field in the payroll processing programs and tables. so these folks had 2 process levels in TIMERECORD, which flowed to PAYMASTR (2 pl's correlates to 2 checks) and so forth. The PR197 read 2 process levels and freaked out, and dropped the non-home-process level timerecords from PRTIME and company taxes from PRDISTRIB. not sure if this affects your setup, so reconcile those tables to verifty. CTP 78565 fixed another field defaulting issue, and our customization of prtrdpd forced the interface to use home process level. that process_level is a hidden field in PR35/36/80 and couldn't correct via the interface file.
Mary Porter
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We just experienced something very similar to this after installing CTP 78205 and CTP 78208 in order to get 457(f) available as a Tax Status on PR05. For a few employees that had multiple positions, their time records were split into two payments, on one of the payments the time records disappeard out of PRTIME, their benefits and taxes came out of both payments. Fortunately we had only 5 employees. Has anyone in this post had any other luck with fixing this problem with a ctp? or was customizing PRTRDPD the only way to fix this? We are going to have Velocity back CTP 78205 and CTP78208 out of our PROD environment before next payroll, but we need the functionality of the 457(f) to work. Any suggestions?
Mary Porter
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An update - Lawson had us apply CTP 77452 which only compiles PR530 and which appears to have fixed the problem.
M Mullinax
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We are unable to run PR530 in our v10 upgrade test. It's like the program doesn't even recognize the file - not kicking out records - just not running at all. Anybody seen this or know what the problem could be? Thanks!
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Where are you placing the input file - PRTRCSV? We put ours in lawdir\prodline\ work\PRTRCSV\PRTRCSV