Setting up a "link plan" in LP10

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Background on the situation. Staff were in a PTO plan that allowed them to earn up to 1000 hours of time off. We had an LP02 plan setup with an ongoing limit that would make sure a staff member's balance did not exceed this amount when accruing more time off

Recent changes have reduced that limit to 500, however staff who exceed 500 hours currently are allowed to keep those hours, but are not allowed to earn any more.

The current plan is to create two separate LP plans. Plan A will have the ongoing limit rules attached for 500 hours. Plan B will hold the carry-over balance for all staff with more than.

Example, staff member has 750 hours total. Plan A will have 500 hours, plan B will have 250.

The trouble I am having is setting up the link rules so that it will appropriately check Plan B to withdraw PTO, and if none available, instead draw from Plan A.

Is anyone experienced with using the LP10 linked plan program? And if so, advice on how the Payroll rules were setup is great.

Another general question I had is, in this scenario, would a link plan need to be setup for both Plan A, and Plan B with rules specifically saying "check plan B, then check plan A" for each plan?

Thank you for any help you can provide!


Margie Gyurisin
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Those who are grandfathered into the 1000 hours, do they always get to earn up to that amount? Is there a reason you wouldn't create 2 separate structures with 2 separate limits since you need to identify them anyway?
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Thanks for the reply!

Staff who have more than 500 hours will not be allowed to accrue new hours until their total balance is below 500 hours.

The planned setup for the two groups is to attach accrual rules and a 500 hour limit rule to one account, while the second "overflow" account just stores the PTO that is above 500 hours without an accrual rule or limit rule.

Margie Gyurisin
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Another option is to attach override rules to the employees who temporarily can have more than 500 hours but won't accrue. The rule would be attached to their individual LP31s. Of course, you would need to report/monitor to know when to remove the override rules.
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Thanks Margie. I will remember that as an alternative if the link plan option cannot be figured out.