Tracking Part Time hours Worked for Affordable Care Act

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Hello, Just wondering if anyone has given any thought to how they are going to track part time hours worked for the Affordable Care act requiring anyone working 30 or more hours a week (on average) to receive benefits.  I am getting stuck when an employee goes Full Time to Part Time I don't want to be counting hours worked while they were full time to figure out the average?  Or do I? Please help, thanks!!
Margie Gyurisin
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Do you pay bi-weekly? or weekly? If so, you should be able to find average weekly hours by utilizing the WRK_END_DATE field that is stored on PRTIME. I am not sure how monthly or bi-monthly payrolls are stored. I am interested in knowing if you need to count the hours when an employee goes from FT to PT or per diem. Luckily, for us, we have our position codes "smart coded" so the staus is part of the code so we can pull out the hours an employee worked at FT, PT etc.
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Does anyone know if Lawson (Infor)  is working on finding a solution to track? 
Margie Gyurisin
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I believe that they may be. I see that there is a session at Inforum on Sunday afternoon regarding this topic. One can hope.