Forum: Cloverleaf

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Outbound Message Delay      

Started By  Tammy Ayala
Does anybody know a simple way to delay the output of a message received before being sent to the outbound thread
0 6585 0

Max number of processes per site      

Started By  KingofNY
Hello, Is there a max of processes or threads recommended per site in Cloverleaf 5.6
0 4973 0


Started By  wally
0 4554 0


Started By  wally
0 4501 0


Started By  wally
0 4240 0


Started By  wally
0 4347 0

TCL Newbie      

Started By  Collin
Does anyone have a resource for some Cloverleaf oriented TCL training for a complete newbie in any coding ability
1 23775 0
by cloverleaf.solution

Need Help      

Started By  cloverleafnewbie
I am new to both this site and Cloverleaf. I am trying to add a new OBX segment to a HL7 file. There are multiple OBX segments coming in so I figure I will have to use the ITERATE command. I am not sure how to use that correctly. The help section is not very help-ful. I was hoping someone here could either point out a better resource or explain it to me. What I need to end up with is 1 new OBX segment with a hard coded OBX3 and OBX 5 field in it. (:crazy Thank you for any help ...
1 22853 0
by cloverleaf.solution

How to stop a single thread from commandline      

Started By  cfrair0787
Does anyone know how to stop a single thread from the command line I have tried hcicmd -p processname -c threadname pstop but I keep getting an invalid command. I'm trying to stop a single thread (not process) from the command line so I can script it.
1 26008 0
by cloverleaf.solution

New Stack Exchange site for Healthcare IT Proposed      

Started By  ChronoFish
Hello there, We have an instances of Cloverleaf running at our company. Sometimes you have questions that involve Cloverleaf, but may not be a Cloverleaf specific question, and those questions sometimes are harder to get answers for. StackOverflow is well known in the software development world as the 'go to' place for questions and answers regarding programming. It is a tremendous resource and totally free. The makers of StackOverflow have extended their QA platform. I have taken advan...
1 23206 0
by ChronoFish

HIPAA 834 file      

Started By  RickyY
Hi, we recently switch our health insurance to Delta and they are requiring a 5010 834 file. Has anyone generate a 834 file format from CloverLeaf Please share. We are very new at this and need to get a file out to Delta. Thank you in advance. Ricky
0 6196 0

Lawson Cloverleaf Comparision against other similar Products      

Started By  Sampath S
Hi All We are planning impliment Lawson Cloverleaf, but before implimenting we would like to know its perfomance,benefits of using and most importantly does any one has faced any issues while using this product. How is the performance/benefits in comparision with other Integration Products like Ensemble,etc., Any help/information shared by you is greatly appreciated. -Sam
0 8136 0