Forum: S3 Application Upgrades

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ADFS requirements or recommendations      

Started By  Greg Moeller
We're in the process of planning the upgrade/update/switch to use ADFS instead of LS as STS. Can someone point me to a doc that says if a seperate ADFS server is a requirement for Ming.le version 11 or if it is just a recommendation
4 103197 3
by Kwane McNeal

Infor Apps Upgrade Plan      

Started By  Shannon S
We are on v10 (hosted) and went live about a year ago. I was looking to see if anyone had advice on an annual upgrade plan for the Infor software Example, how often do you upgrade MSCM, S3, Smart Office, etc Do you have an estimate of time it typically takes to do each upgrade (testing and implementation).  Thanks in advance! Shannon
2 73981 1
by Carl.Seay

How and where to create favicon for my company within Lawson 10 application      

Started By  Billy-Wong
Would someone please show me how where to create favicon for my company within Lawson 10 application
0 4148 0
0 4698 1

Lawson 10 and Distribution Groups      

Started By  Chesca
We are in the process of upgrading from Lawson 9 to Lawson 10.  It looks like we will need to reset up all distribution groups including the ALL distribution group. Is it true that there is no easy way to export these and that we will need to recreate them
0 3861 0

Permissions Error during lawappinstall      

Started By  AjaxSlax
Doing a lawappinstall for a new product line on During installation, it fails on appmetaload because it can't create the appmetaload.log file. Error reads '** can't write to log 'directory/appmetaload.log' **  Productline directory has our admin account with full control, but the subdirectory 'Admin' has different permissions and there is a random Null SID account on the directory. When we try to edit the permissions we get 'The permissions on Admin are incorrectly ordered, which ma...
1 71232 0
by Brian Allen

Unix to Windows      

Started By  Greg Moeller
As a part of our Infor10 upgrade, the company has elected to convert platforms to Windows. Fine.  Problem comes in, in that my co-worker and I have written a lot of shell scripts to do our work for us. They aren't converting cleanly...  For Example:  the cnvimp utility.  Seems to operate differently in Windows than in Unix. We are using it for IC500, RQ500, etc. jobs.. but it seems to truncate the trailing spaces off of the input file. Anyone found a way around this   Another thing, is ...
5 72329 0
by pbelsky

Why should i upgrade from Lawson 9x to 10x      

Started By  lawsonguestuser
Hi, I know infor is strongly suggesting everyone to upgrade to v10, cloud, etc. Could someone clearly give a list of PROS and CONS of upgrading from v9.0.0 to v10.  Pl touch upon points like LAUA is scrapped (is it good or bad), how is cloud experience, how is cloud support experience, how to manage our other interfaces (for example if we have to send Positive Pay file or Benefits file to our vendor, how it works)
2 63679 0
by Kwane McNeal

Lawson Apps 9 Vs 10      

Started By  Srini Rao
Hello - Where can I find the document talks about the differences between the Lawson 9 vs Lawson 10 applications.       Thanks   Srini
2 74011 1
by Deleted User

Permissions Error during lawappinstall      

Started By  AjaxSlax
Doing a lawappinstall for a new product line on During installation, it fails on appmetaload because it can't create the appmetaload.log file. Error reads '** can't write to log 'directory/appmetaload.log' **  Productline directory has our admin account with full control, but the subdirectory 'Admin' has different permissions and there is a random Null SID account on the directory. When we try to edit the permissions we get 'The permissions on Admin are incorrectly ordered, which ma...
2 70981 0
by AjaxSlax

Trying to do the Infor10 Upgrade      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Old 9.0.1 system Solaris Unix and Oracle database New 10.0.8 system Windows and SQL Server database We've run into a huge snag.  The old way, we used to store our employee number in an unused field in our corporate AD structure. After conversion, we are running into the fact that our employee numbers are not in the samacctname field, and we can't just switch to use the samacctname field because of some of the users being > the max number of characters allowed by the Lawson OS identifier.   ...
5 71549 0
by Greg Moeller

Error viewing PDF from v9 after upgrade to v10      

Started By  David Britton
We are unable to view print files as PDF that were run under Lawson 9 in our Lawson 10 system using the print manager . When attempting to view a Lawson 9 print file as PDF users see a message 'File does not begin with 'PDF-'.Local\....' Looking in the print directory on Unix we see a file named DtlErr.log which contains something like: 'DtlError: .dtl File Error 5: RptMap Stamp Mismatch: RptMap.Stamp=1426607411 XFDtlStamp=1334967926 - No Matching RptMap Version available'   infors' soluti...
3 71601 0
by David Britton

MSCM Handheld devices      

Started By  Sandra Boyd
Does anyone have suggestions or recommendations for handheld devices to replace our current Motorola MC70s as they give out
1 70587 1
by Greg Moeller

Lawson 9 -> 10 Scripts      

Started By  Greg Moeller
OK, we've been given a lot of different stories on our quest for understanding. We will be upgrading from Infor/Lawson 9 to 10, starting in July.  In conjunction with this we will be changing from Unix to Windows. We have a ton of Korn shell scripts that do various tasks... mostly running Lawson jobs, and ftping files.   We've been told 1) That we must convert all of our Korn shell to IPA, Perl, or powershell 2)  We will be able to convert some of our scripts 3)  We will be able to convert a...
4 69982 2
by JimY

Lawson 9 Company Restricted Access      

Started By  Corey
We are using version 9.0.1 Lawson on Windows environment. There are 4 payroll companies and 33 GL companies. We currently do not limit access by company, payroll or GL. My question is, can I create security classes with all of the system codes with category security and logic to restrict to a specific company, payroll or GL Would attaching this new security class to an existing role which has security class token security for HR11 restrict the user to only see the employees of the company restr...
1 71770 1
by CoreyR

Impact to end users Lawson 9 to 10      

Started By  Jackie H
We have been on Lawson 9 for two years and have begun planning for v10. We are already using ISO 10.0.5. How great of an impact was the change to 10 for your end users
2 70348 0
by Kat V

Iseries - Mimix      

Started By  rhs
We have just installed Lawson 9.0.1 on our iseries boxes. We are in the process of setting up Mimix. Has anyone done this successfully yet
2 72988 0
by Walter

Has anyone upgraded to LSF10 on AIX yet?      

Started By  GaryM635
I'm looking to see if anyone has upgraded to LSF 10 on an AIX (*nix) platform and what their experiences have been. What vendor was chosen for the upgrade Any lessons learned you'd like to share Thank you.
2 71691 0
by Jeremy

Infor 10 and Sharepoint      

Started By  TBonney
We are in the process of upgrading our Lawson ( Apps) system (on virtual Windows O/S & with SQL db) to Infor 10.0.5. We have found that there is a LOT to learn about the Share Point Administration. Obviously, as a Microsoft product, we know that Share Point training is readily available. However, is anyone aware of where we might be able to receive Share Point training that is specific to it's deployment with Infor ERP products Thank you in advance.
2 71012 0
by TBonney

Upgrade 9.0.1 to 10 with Platform and DB change???      

Started By  Robin T
We are definite on moving off our HP-UX platform to a VM Windows platform for our upgrade to Lawson 10 apps.  At a recent MUG meeting, I heard that SQLServer is quickly becoming the database of choice.  I remember hearing a statistic on what percentage of Lawson installs are on a SQLServer database, but can't remember the number.  Does anyone know what that is  My boss is asking.  He is also asking if the time is right to move from our expensive Oracle to SQLServer.  Can a database and/or platf...
3 71665 1
by David Britton

Next Button erroring after patches applied      

Started By  Donna
We applied patches and screens we created using LID now give the following error when the Next button is clicked: com.lawson.tesla.agent.TransactionException: TRANSACTION_ERROR  at com.lawson.tesla.exec.Tesla.invoke(  at com.lawson.tesla.agent.ErpTransactionAgent.processRequest(  at com.lawson.ios.agent.container.AgentWrapper.processRequest(  at
7 71966 0
by Brad Schauer

Lawson 10x.      

Started By  Chesca
We are planning to upgrade to  and then to Lawson 10x. Does anybody know if LID will be available to the users Our users use menu, buttons that call script so I need to know if it would be an issue. are there any alternatives
2 71410 0
by Kwane McNeal

Lawson10 Web Server Requirements      

Started By  rji14
We will upgrade to lawson 10 soon.  I am collecting Web server requirements for Sun Solaris, and can not get helpful information from lawson website.  Any helpful suggestions or documentation on this Thanks alot. RJI
1 71274 0
by Roger French

Planning move to ESP 9      

Started By  Richard J Sculpher
We are currently on AIX 6.1 with env 901 ESP7 app 901 MSP3 and are looking to upgrade the env to ESP9. We don't anticipate doing anything with the apps. I am looking at the planning of this... I am aware that I shall need to upgrade WAS and AIX to the most recent fixpacks. We are toying with going from TDS 6.2 to 6.3 On the Lawson side... Will this be a simple(ish) exercise of installing the new Lawson base at then applying LSF fixes to pick up a specific fix we want. Do I have to ...
1 72184 0
by KellyF

Restoring Lawson to a new Server after an Upgrade      

Started By  Deleted User
Hi;   We are currently on an Iseries Box running V5R4, Lawson version  We have  have a new box running V7R1.  We want to upgrade Lawson to 9.0.12.  Is it possible to upgrade Lawson in the V5R4 box to 9.0.12 then Restore it to the new box  Thanks ! Jean
3 70653 0
by KellyF
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