9.0.0 to 9.0.1, How to handle Customizations?

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   We are in the process of upgrading both our environment, from to; and our apps from to  Our LSF9 is also going from to And we’re upgrading Process flow from Professional to Services Automation.  We are running on a Windows platform; Server 2008 R2 (64). Lawson required independent servers for this upgrade, which has provided us an opportunity to learn a bit more.  I'm in a bit of a tizzy though, my background is heavy mainframe-cobol-isam and I've been assigned to support our Lawson customizations. Our environment has been built and our Software Tools have been upgraded(LSF9, ProcessFlow, DesignStudios); our Lawson DB applications and data have been migrated.  But nothing else has been done regarding  the customizations.  Our technical support suggests that I rebuild everything.  My quandary is, do I really have to rebuild everything from scratch?  Can’t I migrate(dump and load / copy) or upgrade(open,mod and save) these instead of  rebuilding?  If I have to rebuild all of our security, our design studios, our custom 4GLs and our Process Flows; it’s going to be a very long time before we are up and running again.

Greg Moeller
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In my limited experience with this, the short answer is "Yes" you can dump/load, etc. If you have programs defined in pgmdef, and if they said 'In Production On' with a value, they should have migrated with the rest of the stuff. Otherwise a pgmdump and load will work for them. ProcessFlows should migrate and run just fine. Maybe a little retooling may be needed, but for the most part not. DesignStudio forms should just copy across and if you go in and rebuild custom form index, you should be ready to go there as well.
Jimmy Chiu
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- Your custom lawson custom tables: metadumptbl/metaloadtbl if during metaloadtbl runs into something like "Element not defined..." then you got customized elements. - Your custom elements: metaloadelm/metaloadtbl - blddbdict/dbreorg to recreate the custom tables - Your lawson cobol custom programs: pgmdump/pgmload, copy source to the new prodline/ and compile. - Import/Export LAUA secClass: secdump/secload - Import/Export LS secClass: lsdump/lsload