Best method of creating an "opt-in" collection point?

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Joe O'Toole
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We need to create a simple "opt-in" screen that our self service users will click off to constent to some company defined terms and conditions. The data could either go to a Lawson or non Lawson data repository. I'm thinking putting it in a Lawson user field that I could tie directly to the employee would be the best. Does anyone have a recommendation on the best way to accomplish creating this screen - perhaps a simple design studio form? I would also like to have the ability in some cases to have this consent screen come up after portal login, but before the menu is displayed, which would force an answer. Would this be a monumental task to put an intercept in Lawsons code? Thanks for any insight.
Joe O'Toole
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Surely someone has needed to implement an electronic acceptance mechanism. Any thoughts on this from the community?
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Never had to do anything like that. If you didn't have to capture a consent, you might consider altering the login forms to display the additional terms and conditions and treat the login itself as implied consent. Being forced to capture it would move that into the area of something like Design Studio. A custom form could store data in the EMPLOYEE table (or a custom table for those of us who don't run HR/Payroll). I think the problem would come with forcing people to go through the consent process, there are just so many ways to get around it.
Joe O'Toole
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I really didn't want to tinker with the login code to put an itercept in so I might just go the way of putting a custom form out there that the user has to go to. We monitor certain fields for training so we could report on who has not yet "consented". There are plenty of places in the Employee table that this flag could be stored so a design studio form that updates the employees HR11 record sounds like the best bet.
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It would be simpler to use a personnel action and call PA52 instead of HR11 for user fields, then you dont have to deal with those user field key numbers, which can change.
Joe O'Toole
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So are you saying define a new PA and track it that way?
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Yes,  you can set it to Immediate so you don't have to run PA100, then all you have to do is set PCT-NEW-VALUE-1r0 and you do not have to hard code the user field number or query for it.   There will also be history of the change.
Joe O'Toole
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Gary, That sounds like an excellent solutuion. I like the idea of having an audit trail on this. Now if I could figure out an easy way to intercept their portal menu display, I'd be all set. - Joe