Compile error custom program

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John Crudele
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We are on LSF9  windows/sql2005

We have a custom program for users to run an importdb

Our test box has two product line TEST and TEST2. It worked in both product lines. We  did a data copy to TEST2 and it stopped working, it still works in TEST.  We get an error "program not available". 

I tried to complie the program and I get an error. Here is the compile error log

Processing PgmInfo Request ... bismark TEST2 GL EL600 Processing D:\lsf9\law/test2/glsrc/EL600.rpt   Created RptMap: EL600 and Archive RptMap: EL600.1196026337.rmp   Created rd File: D:\lsf9\law/test2/glsrc/EL600.rd Syntax Check   D:\lsf9\law/test2/glsrc/EL600WS Syntax Check   D:\lsf9\law/test2/glsrc/EL600PD Syntax Check   D:\lsf9\law/test2/glsrc/glpdlib/EDCOGLCP Syntax Check   D:\lsf9\law/test2/ifsrc/ifpdlib/EDCOPD Syntax Check   D:\lsf9\law/test2/ifsrc/ifpdlib/IFGDD90CP Syntax Check   D:\lsf9\law/test2/ifsrc/ifpdlib/IFSG80CP Syntax Check   D:\lsf9\law/test2/ifsrc/ifpdlib/IFGDD90PD Syntax Check   D:\lsf9\law/test2/ifsrc/ifpdlib/IFOBI70CP Syntax Check   D:\lsf9\law/test2/ifsrc/ifwslib/EDCO60WS Syntax Check   D:\lsf9\law/test2/ifsrc/ifwslib/IFGDD90WS Syntax Check   D:\lsf9\law/test2/ifsrc/ifwslib/IFSG80WS Syntax Check   D:\lsf9\law/test2/ifsrc/ifwslib/IFOBI70WS Building Int From EL600PD, EL600WS, EL600SD, EL600.rd, wslibs & workfiles Building D:\lsf9\law/test2/sdlib/EL600SD Warning: WSEL600-LOADRPTS-PL Expected As LABEL (Line 150) Build Of Int Complete For EL600 Editing PGM: EL600 EditINd(): Unknown Node Type   0 Found At Node   65            COBOL Line Nbr Might Be   -1            This Is An Internal Error Editing  PD: EDCOGLCP Editing  PD: EDCOPD Editing  PD: IFGDD90CP Editing  PD: IFGDD90PD Editing  PD: IFOBI70CP Editing  PD: IFSG80CP


Ragu Raghavan
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Posts: 477
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I notice there is a warning about line 150. A missing period perhaps ? If the code is not too big, perhaps you could post the PD and WS code.