Filter Courses in Training under ESS

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Hi, We are working on implementing the ESS training module. Our issue is that we would like to filter the courses list under the registration by course link. When we clicked on Registration by Course, we are getting a list with all the active trainings in the course table (it is using the condition "current"). We have employees in different regions and we do not want the employee to register in a wrong region. I was thinking that if I put the employees in employee groups (pgemployee), then create a prerequesite 'EG' type and then change the condition in the dme call (under the registrationbycourse.htm) from current to prereq-eg-exis it will work. But it didn't. This reduce the list but it did not resolved the problem. The condition is not looking if the employee that it is connecting in ESS is part of the group. The only thing that is doing is bringing the courses that have a link with prerequesites (no matter if the employee belongs to that prerequesites). Any help will be appreciated. Thanks, Lorena.
Karen Sheridan
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Posts: 142
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Lorena, It is supposed to work the way you describe. We had an employee group for managers and then put a prerequisite on the management courses of the manager employee group. Employees not in the manager group were not able to see these courses. This was a number of years ago in APPS version 8. It could have changed since then, but I think that is how it was designed to work. HTH, Karen