Form Definition- How to left justify phrases

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I am creating a custom program/form and can't seem to get the first line of my text left justified.  I have 5 lines of text and have gotten the last four to left justify by adding the ] delimiter.  I have tried many different scenarios and the first line continues to start halfway across the form.  It doesn't seem like this should be so difficult, but I obviously am not understanding how the delimiters work. Here is my section of scrgen code:   |               Company:[    ]  ;                              ;   |                                                                                                           ]   |  This program will change the check group to 4 for any time records]   |  that have a work process level different from the employees home  ]   |  process level.                                                                                    ]   |  It will update any unreleased batch (PR35.2) or                                ]   |     released batch (PR36).                                                                  ] $END-SCR   CH904    R I'm also attaching a screen shot of how it displays in the portal. Can someone explain what is causing it to display this way?  Thanks!
Veteran Member Send Private Message
Posts: 122
Veteran Member
I figured this out. I took out all the delimeters, and it lines up perfectly. I guess I was making it too complicated.