FTP Script

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Srini Rao
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Hello, I'm trying to excute a batch file to FTp the file from external unix system to Lawson windows app server. When I run the script from dos command /LID it does work. When I execute the FTP batch file from 4GL it does not work. It execute the batch file but skips the FTP part . We are on ersion: on Windows. Thanks ---Srini
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can you post your script? How are you executing it from the 4GL program? Are you seeing any errors? Thank you.
Srini Rao
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Batch File... FTP -v -i -s:bankpaymentout.txt > bankftpout.log @echo FTP -s:bankpaymentout.txt > bankftpout.log mv /linte/work/out/bank/*.txt /linte/work/out/bank/ARCHIVE/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FTP Script... open rdc101a lawsonftp XXXXXX lcd /linte/work/out/bank cd /bank/prdfiles/HB/REFUND/RECEIVE ls mput *.txt bye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4Gl Code.... INITIALIZE WS-COMMAND. STRING CRT-MESSAGE DELIMITED " " , WS-SCRIPT-NAME INTO WS-COMMAND. DISPLAY " WS COMMAND..." WS-COMMAND. CALL "system" USING WS-COMMAND GIVING WS-RETURN-PRM. [code] [/code]
Phil Romov
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In the past I've had difficulty getting scripts to run from 4gl, mostly stemming from permissions. The question here is, what user is the 4gl running the script as. Sometimes you can circumvent this by wrapping your script in a runas or something similar. I'd start there, and see if 4gl is able to see/execute the ftp command for starters by having it run a script that just does ftp -version, for example. You can try something besides FTP as well. We've had success with perl/email, I can send you a script if you contact me via email: phil at redthree.com
Srini Rao
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It only fails (skips) ftp part. But other portion on batch file doe swork. Like copying file etc.,