How does the BEGRNG - NXTRNG work?

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I'm trouble-shooting an existing program that uses the BEGRNG and NXTRNG commands. Can anyone explain to me how this works? When using these, is the table read sequetially; or is the table read in the sequence of the index key? Also, Lawson's data documentation often has key fields listed with '*'. Does anyone know what the '*' means?
John Henley
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Posts: 3351
The BEGRNG/NXTRNG commands read records in the order of the index that is part of the API. So, for example, if using 850-FIND-BEGRNG-APPSET3, it is using index APPSET3 to return the records. The way it works: You fill as many of the DB- fields in the index as possible, starting from the "top" of the list of fields, and then specify the last field you are filling by moving XXXSETY-FIELD-NAME (e.g. APPSET3-REC-STATUS) to WS-DB-BEG-RNG. So using APPSET3 as the example, you might more a value "XYZ" to DB-PAY-GROUP, 3 to DB-REC-STATUS, and APPSET3-REC-STATUS to WS-DB-BEG-RNG. The 850-FIND-BEGRNG-APPSET3 will return the first APPAYMENT record matching APP-PAY-GROUP = "XYZ" and APP-REC-STATUS = 3. Then calling 860-FIND-NXTRNG-APPSET3 until APPAYMENT-NOTFOUND will return all other APPAYMENT records matching APP-PAY-GROUP = "XYZ" and APP-REC-STATUS = 3. The records are returned in the order of the index APPSET3. The asterisk means that the field is stored in descending order.
Thanks for using the forums!
Marc Burnes
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If you have not done so already, you should download the API documentation -Login to -Get Support --> Knowledge Base -Click Product Documentation to the right of the search box -Click Doc Libraries at the top of the page -Click Lawson System Foundation (Technology) -Select your LSF release -Assuming you are on unix, click Developer (Unix) -Doc for Developers: Lawson 4GL Application Program Interfaces Quick Link: