Javascript AGS inquiry call?

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Roger French
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It's been awhile since I have had to build an javascript AGS call for inquiry, and I am doing one to return fields from the online screen, but I can't quite get the code/syntax to get the return fields on the inquiry. (I have no problem doing an ADD or CHANGE with AGS). Does anyone have a quick example of a javascript call for AGS say for the CU01, or the HR11 for example? Or any other online screen? I know there are other pre-built AGS inquiry calls especially for ESS but really I just need a quick example that I can use to build one fairly quickly. Thank you in advance for your help. Roger
Ragu Raghavan
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Example below calls PA02 and gets the value of Annual Hours and Pay Frequencey based on position. var s = portalWnd.AGSPath; s += "?_PDL="; s += portalWnd.oUserProfile.getAttribute("productline"); s += "&_TKN=PA02.1&_EVT=ADD&_LFN=ALL&_RTN=DATA&_TDS=IGNORE&FC=N"; s += "&POS-COMPANY=" + vCompany; s += "&POS-POSITION=" + vPosition; // s += "&POS-EFFECT-DATE=00000000"; s += "&POS-EFFECT-DATE=" + vEffDate; s += "&_OUT=XML&_EOT=TRUE"; var sAGSInfo = portalWnd.httpRequest(s); if (!sAGSInfo || sAGSInfo.status) { vError = "Y"; return false; } var sFldNbr = sAGSInfo.selectSingleNode("//FldNbr").text; var sMsgNbr = sAGSInfo.selectSingleNode("//MsgNbr").text; var sMessage = sAGSInfo.selectSingleNode("//Message").text; if (sMsgNbr == 0) { // alert("PA02.1 " + sMessage + " " + sFldNbr); } else { alert("PA02.1 failed for position:" + vPosition + " " + sMessage + " " + sFldNbr); vError = "Y"; return false; } vAnnualHours = sAGSInfo.selectSingleNode("//POS-ANNUAL-HOURS").text; vPayFrequency = sAGSInfo.selectSingleNode("//POS-PAY-FREQUENCY").text;
Roger French
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Super thank you ragu, I will give it a go. -Roger
Roger French
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Ragu.. What is the additional script source required for this in the html/javascript? I have received the message, that 'portalWnd is undefined'. I have common.js, commonHTTP.js, data.js and transaction.js in the header but portalWnd is not in there I don't think? Roger
Ragu Raghavan
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Sorry Roger. This is from within Design Studio. Not sure how it is done outside D/S.