Portal changing values from Lower to Upper case

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My issue is that I have a list of selection values in mixed case, for a form. LID selections bring the value as is but Portal changes them all to Upper Case and then proceeds to say 'Value Not in list:...'. How do I fix that?

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The field is probably defined as Alpha instead of AlphaLower. in the screen definition change the A to AL  for the field with the value list.  Be careful if you are doing this to a Lawson delivered database field though, it could impact much more than just your one form, and if the database definition have a value list it still will not work if that list is upper case as well.

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Gary, The field is AlphaLower already. I changed to use Numbers to stand for the Alpha values and it works: Example 1=AbcDe, 2= fGhiJkl etc. A related issue I still have is on value selection for Vendor: I have vendor numbers of varying lengths and need to add their translations, to limit the selection. Example 12345=Kornwallis Sevices, 234567=English Muffins. In the .scr file I have described the Vendor as AlphaRight nad have allowed for leading blanks on the value list. This all works ok in LID. On the 'Add' function Portal has an error msg 'Value Not in list:....' and then lists all the values in the value list. Is there a setting in Portal that needs to be varied to get this to work right, since it works ok in LID?
John Henley
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There is a "touch file", called DBUPPER, that might exist somewhere on your server. If it does, IOS/Transaction service will uppercase all fields prior to executing the transaction. See if that is the case.
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John, I did solve the 'Upper Case' issues I was having. Thanks.


I still have the other issue, though, where on an ADD function, Portal returns a message 'Value Not In list .....' even when I select a value from the list of Vendor numbers! Please see description in my response to Gary, above.