Retrieve AGS call data into custom ESS form.

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David Cron
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This is weird.  I can run a DME call from the same page without an error (saving to the same iframe) Here's the AGS call function getEnrEndDate()  {   // change to use BS09 so we can be direct to the employee's specific rules    var obj       = new AGSObject(authUser.prodline,"BS09.1")    obj.event     = "ADD"    obj.rtn       = "DATA"    obj.longNames = true    obj.tds       = false     obj.out       = "XML"    obj.field     = "FC=I"          + "&BAE-COMPANY="  + escape(          + "&BAE-EMPLOYEE=" + escape(authUser.employee)          + "&BAE-RULE-TYPE=A"     obj.debug     = false    obj.func = "WelcomeScreen()"    AGS(obj,"jsreturn") } It never gets to the "WelcomeScreen" function I get an object expected message from IE on /lawson/xhrnet/dot.htm.  Below is my iframe setup on the page. Anyone have an idea of what's wrong or how to address this? Thanks in advance David
David Cron
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Posts: 13
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BTW I can execute the code in the URL line of the browser and it returns the XML exactly as expected.
David Cron
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Posts: 13
Basic Member
Looks like the iframe setup didn't copy.  Here it is: (removed the tag markers) iframe name="jsreturn" src="" style="visibility:hidden;height:0px;width:0px;" iframe name="lawheader" src="" style="visibility:hidden;height:0px;width:0px;" I am still getting the error on dot.htm which is where (obviously) jsreturn is located.  From other parts of the code it appears the data should be in the "lawheader" frame but no amount of coercing seems to be able to address it./ Thanks for helping. D