Self Service difference: LSF9 env and Lawson 8.03

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Hi all, We changed some files in ESS MSS while in Lawson 8.03. We are migrating the environment from 8.03 to LS9. We will still be in Application 8.03. The consultant also installed the LSF9 Self Service. Is there a difference between the two? Can I just copy over the ones that have changes from 8.03 to LSF9? Self Service folders that have changes are in portal, xbnnet and xhrnet of WEBDIR. Thank you all, CB
Ragu Raghavan
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The way I understand it, the syntax for the DME and AGS calls have changed from 8.x env to LSF9. Asusming the same version of apps, all else should be the same. So, if the code that you customzied does not contain any DME/AGS calls, copying it may work. if they do, just a copy will not work. Copying the code and changing the DME/AGS syntax may take care of it.
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The apps are the same. I painstakingly comparing one on one and so far i have found 2, elect_ben_06 and ui.js. most probably the difference is from a patch. Mostly so far a lot of files are the same, except for comment change. With the 2 I found, I need to finish the comparison. that means I have a lot more to go. :-( JB
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AGS and DME did change from cgi calls (ags.exe and dme.exe) to calls to servlets (Transaction and Data).  the authentication changes slightly also. But this happened before 9.0 (Probably in anticipation of 9.0).  If you are 8.0.3 you should be fine, If your source files are referencing webappjs/user.js, webappjs/data.js and webappjs/transaction.js when doing AGS and DME calls instead of javascript/ags.js, javascript/dme.js and javascript/authenticate.js you should be fine.