Setup users with access to a multistep job from Portal

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Could somebody please help me or point me to a Lawson article that can show me how do I give users access to run jobs?
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Do you have access to the Lawson site?  Have you reviewed any of the documentation?  Are you having a specific problem after setting up a user?  Are you using LAUA? Do a search on "Lawson Security".  You will find the entire guide there.  It should cover everything you need. 
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I have access to the site. I am new to Lawson and haven't had any training yet and don't know where to start. Yes, I have searching and reading docs. I don't see the portal administration link HR is transitioning some jobs to another team and want me to give them access to multiple jobs.
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When you say you have had no training, I hope you mean only that you have not been to any Lawson training.  Surely you have had some knowledge transfer there.  I can't imagine asking anyone to step into Lawson Security without any training whatsoever, and expect them to perform any sort of security maintenance tasks.   Portal Administration is not where security is managed,  You need to use either Lawson Security (which is a separate application) and/or LAUA, which is accessed in LID.  This will depend upon if you are still using LAUA of course.  
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Hi Cindy, this was easy. I asked my coworkers and they told me that whenever I get a request to change security, I should forward to our security admin. I don't have the authorithy to change access and that's probably why I was getting a security violation when trying to do it myself thru LAUA Security. Thank you :
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Ah.  Yeah Lawsec isn't something that you can just do...without having some prior training.  Lucky for you that someone else is handling it.
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In my previous jobs, programmer/analyst were not allowed to mess with security. That was a function only done by security admin. In my new job here, it seems like programmers sort of do everything so I did not hint to me that I should've asked security to setup the user wih access. There is a lot of stuff that's done here without prior training as they have "training manuals" and here and there a coworker would share their knowledge and sometimes we have to look at sample programs, etc. It's hard working with no prior knolwedge so I am hoping I get some traning soon. Thanks a lot!