AP520 Interface Data update from External Systems

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Hello Friends, I am new to the Lawson system and forums. I am trying to Integrate Lawson system using BizTalk tool. I do not have access to Lawson system. I am trying to create NonPo Invoice(AP520). Does Lawson expects two .CSV files one for header data and other for Detail data. Thanks for the help. With Regards Sri
John Crudele
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You will need two files 1) Invoice data 2) Distribution data. If you use distribution codes you can use just the invoice upload
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Hello John , Thanks for the reply. Can you give me reference to any help document from Lawson which explains the entire AP520 conversion process. With Regards Sri
Sam Simpson
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This is incredible!! You want to work with Lawson system but you have not any functional knowledge of the interface files needed by AP520. If you are an outside vendor then here are some option: 1. You can send one single csv file but you will need somebody in Lawson side to map you data into either two or three staging files that AP520 needed (depending on needs). OR.. 2. You can create the staging files themselves as long as you know what the requirements are in Lawson: APCINVOICE - Invoice data APCDISTRIB - Distribution data and or APCATTACH - Usually data to be used for check printing. Good Luck
Ragu Raghavan
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Get yourself access to the Lawson support site. You will find tons of information there.
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Hello Ragu, Now I have access to mylawon.com and internal Laswon server also - I am looking for a document which can help me in understanding the entire process or transactions which I need to go in Lawson Portal. Till now I figured out I need to conevrt data into .CSV format which lawson is expecting, dump the files into Lawson Directory, run the IMDBB job but still yet to figure out where to display or check the uploaded AP520 data. Thanks for the help friends. With Regards Sri
Ragu Raghavan
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Go to the Get Support TaB, - Knowledgebase - enter AP520 in the Search Box and browse Article ID: 130158 : Interfacing Invoice Data may be a good place to start.
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Depending on your database, you may need to set switch fields on the APCINVOICE file to make the AP520 run correctly. (iSeries/DB2). As others have said on here, review the doc in mylawson.com.
Barry Ghotra
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I have a situation where I need to electronically bring invoices from another system or a 3rd party provider that handles reimbursement expenses. Some times these payments need to be processed from Lawson but in certain cases the payment might have been posted as a direct deposit by the 3rd party provider. I understand that I can load the data into APCINVOIC APCDISTRIB and then run the AP520 to populate the application tables etc. But what about the pre-paid invoices. I also noticed the CVI-REC-STATUS and CVI-POSTING-STATUS fields and most likely these need to be set to 9 for the pre-paid invoices. But do I need to do anything else like run another interface (CB500, but we don't use cash ledger) or populate APCPAYMENT (I think this is only for split payments) to accomplish the same? I would appreciate any help or pointers for this situation. Thank You.
Mark F. Hardy
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We, too, will be using Biztalk to integrate with Lawson.  Our project team has asked me about Acknowlegements back to Biztalk from Lawson once we drop the APCInvoice and APCDistrib.  Anyone know where I can find more on this topic.  Lawson support could not find the KB article mentioned above.  Thanks!
Rob Conrad
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Hi Mark - Lawson Process Flow Integrator is really a better tool to use for this interface - I've done several AP520 / GL165 and MA540 Financials interfaces with PFI and it's pretty easy to call "non-persistent" variables from a PFI Node object (like the APCINVOICE drop) and put that data into an email notification node. More importantly, you can also query the GEN database DURING the execution of the Interface to check AP520 job status make sure your AP520 is running without any errors. Lawson PFI could not only handle the data mapping, but also provide you with some robust error handling and notification throughout the entire AP520 import process, not to mention kicking off the AP520 and providing end to end interface execution. RC
Sam Simpson
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So here's what we do with those transactions that are processed by AP520. 1. Transactions can come from different source therefore, you get different input format. 2. We asked our source to send their files with unique file extension. The file extension indicates which source the files comes from. 3. We use ScanFileClient to watch for those file extension. If they are present then it trigger ProcessFlow depending on the extension. 3. Each process flow will map the input (using Mercator or DataStageTX) and create the APC staging files. Then sends an email to users that the file is ready for further processing. 4. If there is an error in the interface file, we send it back together with the error.
Srini Rao
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Sri - We do use the Biztalk to create our NO PO based EDI Invoices. Insted of creating the two or 3 CSV files, we execute the transaction services to AP52. It will create the Invoice and distrinution records and returns the errors like Invalid vendor etc., This will much easier for you insted of creating teh 3 CSv files and handling the errors in Lawson. Srini