BN32.1 - Change Benefit Deduction Stop Date

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Has anyone successfully changed fields for multiple benefits for an employee using a BN32.1 Change AGS call?


I am building a process flow to change the Benefit Deduction Stop Date for a select group of Benefit Types of benefits that were recently stopped for an employee. Using a transaction node the BN32.1 Change AGS call that I built works fine for the first screen/page of benefits. The change transaction is returning an error any page after the first page of benefits for the employee. In reviewing the results of the BN32.1 Change transactions for page 2 and greater it looks like the BN32.1 change AGS call is not indicating which (or the correct) page of benefits the call is making changes to.


The following is the flow my process…

BN32.1 Inquire Transaction Build change transaction AGS call for first page of benefits

BN32.1 Change Transaction

If BN32.1 Inquire Transaction Return Msg = "More Records Exist - Use PageDown" Then

    BN32.1 PageDown Transaction

    Build change transaction AGS call for next page of benefits

    Go (loop back) to BN32.1 Change Transaction


I am setting the following hidden keys using the result values from BN32.1 Inquire and BN32.1 Change transaction…