"Display Exec" html file creation???

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Shane Jones
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We have a personnel action that has a process flow connected to it for approvals. The process flow uses an HRAction node for approval and it does not display the correct information in the web inbasket. I know that I need to modify an HTML file for displaying the information and put the name of that file in the "Display Exec" box of the properties. I just want to display the field from the personnel action... Why do I have to set this up in more then one place... Does anyone know how to setup the web inbasket display using the html file?

Some notes:

THe personnel action is named "LUMPSUM"
The action is setup to change a numeric user field named "Lump Sum Merit Amt"
The process flow includes a variable named "lump2"

I want the web-inbasket display to show the value from the action "Lump Sum Merit Amt" or the variable "lump2". Either one should display what I need...

I tried to modify the "salchgdisp.htm" document but I keep getting errors that the database is secured when someone tries to pull up thier web inbasket with my modified document

This tells me that I have something wrong in my html document.

Shane Jones
Tools: HR, Payroll, Benefits, PFI, Smart Office, BSI, Portal and Self-Service
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John Henley
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You're on the right track. The reason you have to do this set up in multiple places is that Lawson's ProcessFlow doesn't really interact very well with the Applications--in other words, there's no "context" of what a workunit really is--it could be from an Lawson application or even an outside application, so rather than build in hooks for every conceivable type of application that could create a workunit, Lawson leaves it up to the PF designer/implementer and just stores enough information with the work to make sense of what the workunit reflects. Same holds true for procurement--by default, you can't display the requisition information associated with the workunit except by looking up the requisition using the keys stored with the workunit.

To troubleshot the "database is secured", make sure the user who is testing really does have access to the underlying forms (PA52) and tables (PERSACTHST, EMPLOYEE, etc.). Quick way to test is to turn off security and have them try it. If that works, you know it's a matter of their security needing to be tweaked.
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Shane Jones
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How would I create this Display Exec file? Is it a simple modification? Could anyone tell me how to make the lump2 variable display in the web inbasket?
Shane Jones
Tools: HR, Payroll, Benefits, PFI, Smart Office, BSI, Portal and Self-Service
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John Henley
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Posts: 3351
If you're familiar with HTML & JavaScript, and Lawson AGS/DME calls, it's a matter of copying the disptemplate.htm or salchgdisp.htm. Since you're saving your "Lump Sum Merit Amt" as "lump2", you can basically just change the copy of salchgdisp.htm and use it as a starting point. You'd replace lblPercentChanged and m_PercentChanged with lblLumpSumAmt and m_LumpSumAmt. Change m_PercentChanged = GetVariable("Percent_Changed") to m_LumpSumAmt= GetVariable("lump2"). Remove the references to NewSalary, CurrentSalary, OriginalSalary. It's tedious (you have to understand a little about JavaScript...), but you should certainly be able to do it fairly easily.
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Maybe you can help me with the same issue. I want to use recsum.htm file but I am not using reqapproval service. i am using my own service and that has my own service variable names. My variable names are COMPANY and REQNUM.

What is the easiest way here? I want to display exactly what recsum.htm displays.

Shane Jones
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I have an idea... If you want to use the same display exec and if you are uncomfortable editing the html file you could do a simple ags call in your process flow to add the variable and value to WF22...

Also another option would be to open the html file in wordpad and search for the variable name and change it to the dame you want to use and then save it as a diferent file...

Good luck - my suggestion is probably not as good as what John will come up with but both of these you can probably do rather easily. My choice would be to do a find/replace in the html file first.
Shane Jones
Tools: HR, Payroll, Benefits, PFI, Smart Office, BSI, Portal and Self-Service
Systems: Lawson, Open Hire, Kronos, Crystal Reporting, SumTotal Learning
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