Issue with JavaScript Date

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Good Afternoon All,

I am hoping somebody else has run into this issue before.  I seem to be having with a JavaScript calculation in IPA.  We are trying to take today's date (i.e 10/15/2019) and move it forward to December so the date range starts at 12/01/2019.  However, when the script runs it returns a date of 00/01/2020.  The script works for every other month in the calendar except for 12/1.  Below is the script that we have in IPA:


Evaluating JavaScript expression jsDate=CurrentDateTR


CurrentFirstofMonth=jsDate.setDate(1); to value 1569960755400

Evaluating JavaScript expression //current date

jsDate = CurrentDateTR;


//set forward 3 months



//set day to the first



FirstofMonth = jsDate;


var month =FirstofMonth.getMonth();


if (month<10){

month = "0" + month.toString()



var day = FirstofMonth.getDate();


if (day<10){

day = "0" + day.toString()



var year = FirstofMonth.getFullYear();


NewHireDateStartPT=month.toString()+'/'+day.toString()+'/'+year.toString(); to value 00/01/2020


There is a 2nd calculation after this script that calculates the last day of the month, which comes up correctly with 12/31/2019.  Any thoughts as to what we might be missing in the script?  Thank you in advance!

David Williams
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Posts: 1127
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In JavaScript, the first month is zero. 0=Jan 1=Feb 2=Mar
David Williams