Missing FUNC parameter when runing a job (cgi-lawson/jobrun.exe) via AGS Call

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Hi, I have the below set of codes in VB6 to submit a Lawson job via AGS call and I'm getting a "Missing FUNC parameter" error after the SEND command. The command runs successfully if entered in IE. Any ideas? Thanks. Code: Dim MyHttpRequest As New WinHttpRequest strHttpPR134_Run = "https:///cgi-lawson/jobrun.exe?FUNC=RUN&USER=dannyp&JOB=PR134-POS&OUT=XML"

MyHttpRequest.Open "POST", strHttpPR134_Run, False

MyHttpRequest.Send ---------o------ Here's the result if strHttpPR134_Run command entered in IE: 'works if entered in IE '        '        - '          dannyp '          '          PR134-POS '          0000002837 '          Job Has Been Submitted '