Modifying Lawson Environment Info from a Flow

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I've created a flow to build new Resource records for my portal users using the Resource Update node.  However, I don't see a way to update the Lawson Environment settings (as seen in LSA) from my flow -- specifically, I need to update the Data Area/ID field.  As a result, my newly defined user is unable to log in to portal until the Data Area gets populated and causes a GEN\USER record to be created. 

Is there a way to add or update the Lawson Environment settings from processflow?

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There is an attribute called ProductLine that is updatable using the RM Update node. If you are refering to the ssop, that is a service not an attribute but still can be updates using this node.
David Williams
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I don't actually see these "Lawson Environment Information" fields in the ResourceUpdate node. The SSOP is within the Manage Identities section of Lawson Security and would be updated via the Services tab of the RU node.
David Williams
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Within the Lawson Security Administrator, there a 3 options to User Maintenance: Edit RM INfo, Manage Identities and Edit Lawson Environment Information. Using the Resource Update node, I can work with the first two components. And, I can see where I can put a value in ProductLine attribute in the RM area. But I'm not seeing a way to update any information in that 3rd area for Lawson Environment settings. Since I'm using CHECKLS=YES, I need to specify a DataArea/ID in order for portal access to work. Any ideas how I can do that?
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Has anyone figured out how to do this yet?
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I use a Resource Query node to get the UID based on their userid that is then run through javascript to convert it to a NTID. I then use that to update the USERINFO and R_USER tables using Sql. This is done after all the other information has been added to LDAP.

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Hello Adam,


Did you ever figure this out?? I ran into this a while back, but it wasn't a priority at the time. I 'd like to know if you were able to update that screen via IPA, and if Was it via the Resource Update node?? Thanks



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Hi LawsonNovice, Yes I was, I followed JimY's advice above. And no, it's not the Resource Update node that makes the change; just use the SQL insert. In short, the Resource Query node can pull you back the UID. And since the UID is just the decimal representation of the hexadecimal NTID, you can use JavaScript to convert the UID to NTID, with this: .toString(16) Once you have the NTID, you can SQL insert into the two tables JimY mentions above. I put mine in place on 9/20/19 and it's been working.
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hat's great to hear. So I'm assuming that entry(ies) in the USERINFO and R_USER tables correspond to the values on Lawson Environment Information screen? If so, what field(s) on that screen holds the NTID? and more importantly, what is the NTID? I might be familiar with it but the terminology maty be throwing me off. And If you don't mind sharing the details of how you did it, i'd appreciate it. I'm @

Overall, sounds like i have to include the follows steps to provision the Lawson Environment Information screen (feel free to correct me if wrong):

1. Using the Resource Query node, get my resource's UID.

2. Run that UID through a javascript within say, an Assign node to get its NTID equivalent.

3. Using a SQL nodes (Query and/or Xsaction), insert this NTID in to DB tables - USERINFO and R_USER

4. Check for the entries on Lawson Environment Information screen.

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Hey LawsonNovice, You've identified the correct steps. I'll try to answer some of your other questions, too. "What field(s) on that screen holds the NTID?" - Within LID. Specifically by typing "listusermap". This will display all of the users with NTID's. Note that user's who don't have that environment set won't populate listusermap yet. They will populate listusermap after you manually set the lawson environment (or if you automate it, which is why you're here ) "What is the NTID?" - I could have this backwards but I think NTID represents their Windows identity while their UID represents their Lawson identity. In either case, the numbers are equivalent to each other. That's why running the UID through javascript - toString(16) - will always convert it to the NTID. You can test this by: 1) picking a user who's Lawson Environment Information screen is already populated, because this ensures they also alreay have an NTID. 2) take that user's UID from LSA, and run it through the javascript - toString(16) function. You'll notice that the result is equal to their NTID (which again, you can get from LID's "listusermap") 3) You'll notice that additional JavaScript will be needed to make it match exactly to the NTID's written to the tables. Such as, the JavaScript will produce a number like 316 when you really need a string like NT00000316. Please let me know if this explanation helps.