Req Item Rec Service Definition

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Joan Herzfeldt
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I'm trying to set up my first Trigger (previous ones have been set up by consultants). According to the "IPA Services for Infor Lawson Reference Guide (v10.0.5)" documentation the PO Receiving (PO30) has a trigger for each time a req line item is received. Service = Req Item Rec. 

I set up the trigger (per instuctions) in Process Server Administrator -> Scheduling -->Service Triggers I added my  Process Definition 'Receive_Req_Item' to the ReqItemRec Service Definition (PSA-->Configuration...)

Receiving a line item in PO30 did not trigger a work order.  Troubleshooting I noticed a few things. 1. Documentation says there are three criteria items for ReqItemRec (company, location, requester) and approx 8 variables.  However only company is listed and no variables on my Service Definition.

2. Documentation says "All requestors need to be defined as ProcessFlow users".  I understand users have to be set up, but it says REQUESTORS.  I don't see a requestor on the PO30, there is the buyer, and receiver, but the requester would be on the Requistion Header info.

3. one other thing I noticed is the documentation says the service is Req Item Rec (with spaces), but the only service in my rich client is 'ReqItemRec' all together.  I assumed it was just a typo but maybe not.

Can anyone shed some light on what I am doing wrong?

Thanks - Joan

John Henley
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Service Name should be ReqItemRec (no spaces). the requester from REQ header is used to lookup email address.
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Joan, We had some similar challenges using the same document with similar results (i.e. the service that should be used was setup correctly, enabled, but nothing was being triggered). For our situation, we use the PO23 and PO100. What we ended up using was the Gen_PurchaseOrd service. Once I enabled that, I tied a process flow to the trigger to send out a short email notification to the requester letting them know the item(s) were received. Since you are using the PO30, I would take a look at the Gen_POReceive service (should be page 185 in the 10.0.5 service manual). This gets triggered anytime a PO reciept is created or updated using the PO30. Give that a try and see if it works for you.
Joan Herzfeldt
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Thanks James I'll give that a try. I decided to test a PO that was generated through RQC and had items I could receive.  That did trigger a work unit.  So it looks like the RecReqItem only work if there is a requester and not if it's entered on the PO screen.  So I'll try the Gen_POReceive service and let you know.


Joan Herzfeldt
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Well the Gen_PORecieve trigger does generate a work order.  However, I would like to be able to filter this and only create a work unit if... ultimately I only need a wu if the Item's Serial Tracking is R (receipts).  I've been testing to see if I can filter on Location or Bin since location is already listed as a 'Criteria'.  I have not had any luck with this approch.  Can anyone tell me if it's possible to create/set up a service to only trigger is a specific thing is true?  If so, how?  I have looked at documentation, but can't find anything.

Also, I know I've seen documentation on how to create a custom trigger, but now that I want it I can't find it.  Anyone know where that is?


David Williams
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For a delivered trigger, the only filters you can apply are on the Service in the Criteria fields. Whatever these pre-defined fields are for the Service, you enter the value you want met for the Service to trigger. Custom triggers can have any criteria you build.
David Williams
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Joan, Glad to hear the service/trigger worked for you. Another approach to the custom trigger solution is to filter it after the trigger. You could create a process flow, tie it to the trigger, and then run a query against your database/record source to look up information for the req. If it didn't meet your criteria, just branch it off to the end. If it met your criteria, then you can process it (i.e. update application forms, send notifications, run another flow, etc.). Yes, it creates more workunits from the trigger, but they run really fast if they don't meet your filter criteria.
Joan Herzfeldt
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Yes that is possible, however we are talking hundreds of work units that we don't need.  So really want a different solution.

I found the infor documentation, Creating a Custom Java Trigger API for Infor Process Automation and one for LPL.  They are basic! one or two pages long, ha.  I'm going to keep trying.  Is it possible to copy and then modify an existing trigger?