Mass load of role to actors in GEN of Landmark?

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So we are preparing to get everything in order for our Lawson 10 go live. One of the steps is to get all users who use process flow inbaskets to have the required Inbasket_userST role in the landmark side.


Is there a way to mass load this role to users in landmark? 


The old company I was at, what we did that easy was added this Role to their Lawson security using a Mass Assignment inside the RM Administrator tool, and since we were federated we just ran a synch between landmark and LS so that it pulled those roles over to Landmark for all of those users who had the mass assignment done.


At the new company I am at, the _ST roles do not show up in Lawson Security Admin in order to be able to do it this way. 

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I did just find this KB...but I do not know if you can apply this to 10 or not with only adding the roles to already existing actors?? Mass adding users and assigning security roles in Landmark Article ID:5427748 Description: In Landmark Runtime Environment (LMRK), how can I mass add users to Landmark and assign them the required security roles? Resolution: In Landmark, it is possible to mass add users with the secadm -f utility. More information can be found in the Landmark Utilities Reference Guide, under the Landmark Utility Syntax and Usage section, but below is a brief outline of how this works. Using the secadm -f utility, a script can be created that contains all the secadm commands that need to be run to: 1.add an actor; 2.add an identity with a password; 3.assign the actor to the identity; 4.assign roles to the actor. For example: actor add mkennedy actor add mbiggers actor add lzamora identity add SSOPV2 mkennedy --password P@ssw0rd identity add SSOPV2 mbiggers --password P@ssw0rd identity add SSOPV2 lzamora --password P@ssw0rd actor assign mkennedy SSOPV2 mkennedy actor assign mbiggers SSOPV2 mbiggers actor assign lzamora SSOPV2 lzamora role assign mkennedy Admin role assign mbiggers SecurityAdministrator role assign lzamora BuyerManager In this example, the above lines (which are secadm commands minus the 'secadm' part of the syntax) are saved into a file called createusers.txt. From a Landmark command window, navigate to the directory where the file is saved and run the secadm -f command (i.e. secadm –f createusers.txt ). E:\landmark>secadm -f createusers.txt User : TECHNOLOGY\lawson, LongName lawson Service factory: com.lawson.webservs.service.ServiceLocalFactory created Undefined MessageProducer : ConfigPropertiesLogger! Undefined MessageProducer : SecurityAuditor! Parse SecurityClass AllGenAccess. Parse SecurityClass DataAreaAdminAccess. Parse SecurityClass SpellingDictionaryAccess. Parse SecurityClass ProductLineAccess. Parse SecurityClass ProcessServerAllAccess. Parse SecurityClass RoamingUIProfileAccess. Parse SecurityClass BasicProductLineAccess. Parse SecurityClass EnterpriseAllAccess. Actor mkennedy created. Actor mbiggers created. Actor lzamora created. Identity mkennedy for service SSOPV2 created. Identity mbiggers for service SSOPV2 created. Identity lzamora for service SSOPV2 created. Identity mkennedy in service SSOPV2 linked to actor mkennedy Identity mbiggers in service SSOPV2 linked to actor mbiggers Identity lzamora in service SSOPV2 linked to actor lzamora Assigned role Admin to actor mkennedy. Assigned role SecurityAdministrator to actor mbiggers. Assigned role BuyerManager to actor lzamora. DONE. These users will now be added as Actors, with an SSOPV2 identity of the same name, and with the respective security roles.
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I was wrong, I had my LSA view setup in correctly and the _ST roles do show up now.
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Hi Ronnie.

We are attempting to accomplish this same task in our organization. we are struggling a bit because we did not recognize the need to sychronize LSF with LDMK and as such, we have not been adding/deleting actors whenever we add/delete users in LSF. Our big goal is to be able to automate the process and incorporate it into our existing automation scripts on the LSF side.

With regards to the process you reference, don't you also need to do a separate query (through Landmark Command session) in order to get the SID for the Actor (for the environment identity)? If so, would you mind advising how you did so and incorporated your results into the text file you referenced loading from?


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Thanks, I got it figured out. I did a mass assign using the RM Admin tool, and then synched our landmark system through ISS federation so the mass assignment of roles carried over.
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We have our LSF and Landmark federated . Is there a way to delete all the users completely  and re-load it gain . Our DEV environment is loaded with a copy of all users from PROD and now i want to delete it completely and load it with few users who are actually using it . "loaduser -f filename -u" helped to delete the users from LSF side , need to knwo how to delete the users from landmark side .