Searching in RQC Template

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Hi all,

We are looking at getting rid of our search catalogue on RQC and having all our users use the template. We have no issues searching for items by MPN, description 3, and VPN on search catalogue but find there are some scenarios where it isn't working the same on the template. I have been told the search function on template is very inconsistent.

For MPN we discovered the issue was the MPN shown on RQC is from PO13.3, but the search looks at the MPN field on IC11, so that explains the issue we were searching by the PO13.3.

Description 3 we solved sometimes by running the IC800 job to update the descriptions, but there are still items where the search isn't working on that field.

For VPN, we get a successful search if we search "1802", but get nothing if we search "COL1802." Wondering if maybe it is the alpha/numeric combo that's the problem.


Any insight would be greatly appreciated! This has a major impact on how we design our business process going forward.

Kat V
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Sorry but Templates aren't really 'search' - more 'position to' or 'select value'- so it's only able to see what's on the template - only the IC11 values. Vendor Part number from the PO13.3 isn't looked at until the user tries to add a line to the cart - at which point it needs to look at inventory or non-stock etc.

RQC Catalog Search is the only true "search all tables" that I know of.