Understanding Landmark Technology

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Hi Guys,


I am seeking a better understanding of Landmark. I am fairly new to Lawson, but perhaps my background working with Middleware infrastructure, particularly WebSphere might help me latch on faster. I've been tasked with researching Landmark Technology. As you all know, it's java-based runtime environment that seems to be Infor's path forward from LSF Cobol-based S3,


My issue i'm getting bits and pieces of the picture...

I understand GRID management (webstart, interface). 

I understand Landmark installation,

I understand that the Landmark Grid basically is an installation of Landmark Technology, IPA, and Rich Client. 

I suspect Landmark leverages WebSphere JVM as 'node' components. 


But i don't understand how the application modules fit in. 

For starters, is GHR an application module??

If it is, How is it deployed?? (Probably different from the way you deploy *.EAR/*.WAR into a WebSphere, right?) 

If it is, is it manageable via the GRID Management URL??

Does it have a node type that it bindings to in Landmark?


All input appreciated.



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Posts: 10
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Recently I went thru the various manuals and blogs on Landmark.  If you are a newbie you may not know about all the places to look for documentation.  A good place to start is Knowledge Base Article # 1444526 - Infor Lawson 10.x Information Center.  The Infor technology blog can be a quick read - http://blogs.infor.com/technology/.  I had understanding of WebSphere and JBOSS so the concepts were familiar - e-mail if you wish to compare notes (jrbledsoe001@yahoo.com).  
