Workunit Delete Error - "Cannot get Transaction for rollback"

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Details for Incident 7515865 - Workunit Delete Error - "Cannot get Transaction for rollback" > We are not able to delete Workunits for a process flow that ran anywhere from 8 hours to 3 days - there are 23 of these Workunits. We get the following error which is also attached to this incident - "Exception thrown on server: Cannot get Transaction for rollback". We cannot open this Workunit either due to an out of memory "Java heap space" error, assuming this is because of the enormous amount of logged data. We tried once to run "Clear Workunit Log" and "Delete Activities and Variables" but this freezes Rich Client and we believe caused the Landmark environment to become unstable and unuseable for our users which required us to restart the Production environment. How can we delete these workunits since they have million of records associated with them in the the database and take up a large chunk of disk space.
> Anyone ever encounter this error before or have any suggestions? Xtreme isn't providing much useful information at the moment.
jonathan ford
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Adam, The workunit information can be manually deleted from .PFIACTIVITY and .PFIACTIVITYVARIABLE tables, keying on the workunit number. Once that data is gone, you should be able to run "Delete Activities and Variables" in the rich client (because they don't exist anymore). After you've done this, I would think deleting the workunit itself should also be something you can accomplish.
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Hi Jonathan, This was my suggestion too, but our DBAs are afraid to do this because Infor Xtreme does not support this method and says we'll be on our own if it crashes the system. Perhaps I can do it from a process flow, looping over PfiActivity business class, and deleting each activity one by one. I'd have to turn off logging Activity nodes on this flow, otherwise I would probably be adding more records than deleting =). Any concerns or suggestions when using the process flow method? Regards, Adam