Workunits in progress when moving from LPA to IPA

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Judy Consoli
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Infor Support is telling me that when I migrate from LPA to IPA, I must have all workunits completed or they will be abandoned.  Has anyone migrated from LPA to IPA and if so how did you handle those workunits.  We could have anywhere from several hundred to thousands of workunits in the approval process at any given time.  Abandoning them is not an option!!
Kwane McNeal
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Judy, Long time since we have connected. I hope all is well. As for your question, as I understand it, this is correct. Now I thought I saw a possible way (unsupported of course) to keep the final approvals in motion until they finish, but I'd have to go back though notes and test it, to verify my thoughts were correct Now, as I understand it, the reason that the workunits can't be moved from PFI/PFX to LPA/IPA is that the design is so different, it wouldn't be possible to map the data in a one to one fashion. If no one responds, I'll double check my notes to see if there is at least a more viable option for the potentially orphaned PFX/PFI workunits. Kwane PS: If any more knowledgeable gurus in this area want to jump in, please feel free to correct anything I have posted here.
Kwane McNeal
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Judy, After going through the questions asked when connecting IPA to LSF, there is a question about "PFI workunits remaining that need to be processed". I have personally never used it, but I think the intent to this is allow the PFI servers to start, while still pushing stuff to IPA. As I'm curious also, I'll check with a few people I know who may have used it to tell me if my thoughts on it's usage are correct. Kwane
Tim Cochrane
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Bad info from Infor... Once you "flip the switch" to start running IPA you'll have two options: Option 1 - Leave the remaining PFI work units alone, they can be completed in PFI...they are not abandoned (Kwane - this was one of the first tests we performed at HCA). In my previous job we initiated 1500-1800 new work units daily...and we weren't about to kick them and get them running in IPA. Users will need to understand however that PFI work units are approved in one place; IPA work units in a different place. This could very well be in Portal, depending on your setup, but would be in 2 different Inbaskets within Portal. Option 2 - kick'em all over to IPA. This will result in new IPA work units getting generated, that start from the beginning...meaning if PFI work unit 999 already has been approved by the first 2 approvers, then approvers 1 & 2 will get to approve them again, as these are brand new work units.
Tim Cochrane - Principal LM/IPA Consultant
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Hi Tim ,

How do you do option 2  ?

importpfidata and migrate brought only setup/services data into landmark.

with wf conversion Transaction data (wfmetrics, wfqueue etc) got loaded to LSF 10X WF tables

How do we push these data into landmark (pfimetrics. pfIqueue)

Tim Cochrane
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As long as the same services are setup in Landmark, restarting the PFI work unit, it will generate a IPA work unit. No PFI data (pfiqueue, metrics, messages, etc) comes over to the equivalent IPA tables (Business Classes). The IPA work unit will be a brand new entity and require re-approvals from the beginning. If you don't want to force approves to approved a second time, have them complete the actions on the PFI side.
Tim Cochrane - Principal LM/IPA Consultant
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Thanks for your response ,Tim

I was hoping  there was a way to bring history of work units to landmark .

Tim Cochrane
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There's ALWAYS a way...but i wouldn't attempt it, for a number of reasons: 1. the IPA business class (tables) are not a 1-1 match for PFI work unit tables. in some cases a corresponding IPA biz class doesn't even exist...from what i remember it's in the metrics or message area that some biz classes were consolidated/eliminated. 2. in PFI tables for example, fields #1-10 might be on PFIWORKUNIT...however in IPA only 8 of those fields exist in PfiWorkunit, or field #4 is on some other IPA biz you can see it would be a mapping nightmare. 3. Workunit numbers - IPA history records are stored in the same biz class as active workunits, so no "history" tables are available. since your PFI work unit numbers are prob higher than you IPA numbers, so if you converted PFI #2000 into IPA, then IPA would "see" this's that going to affect your IPA work unit number?? most likely IPA will see 2000 as the last number used, then jump to 2001. not a big deal...unless your already at PFI workunit #200,000. i was at a client that tried it anyway...i think it caused more problems than it was worth...besides, you've still got access to PFI workunit history.
Tim Cochrane - Principal LM/IPA Consultant
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Thanks Tim. I agree when i compared WF tables and Landmark tables I could not get 1-1 and even if got 1-1 match i could not map all fields . My Client is now fine with having the history migrated to just LSF