Oracle TableSpace Info Override??

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I have a productline in a test environment that was created as a copy of a production productline.  I have created an entirely new schema in Oracle using expdp and impdp to copy an entire schema from one database to another, renaming the schema in the target database. After running sysload, ldprodmenus, etc... I then open up dbdef, create a new Database Space definition and assign it to the DataArea/Data ID. Blddbdict created a plus dictionary file.  I then ran dbreorg with -d because I had used impdp to bring over everything into the new schema. Before you ask, my new schema does have tablespaces defined to match the values i used in dbdef. Here's where it gets fun.  If I run any Lawson db utility (e.g. rngdbdump, dbcreate, etc...) I get strange error messages telling me that tablespaces and indexspaces from the Production dbdef values do not exist. rngdbdump gen dbspace shows records for the values I keyed in dbdef. I've looked and it doesn't appear that law_dba_tables are being used.  IF ANYONE has suggestions on how to verify the law_dba_tables stuff, I would love to know more. BTW, this an 8037 env running 724 apps.   :-o   So reach way back into the dark recesses of your memory on this one and help a brother out.  I don't recall ever seeing this issue before and I am running out of ideas.