Trying to create account that uses LS to intsall CTPs etc

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So the company I now work fore is currently on lawson 9, and have their main admin user (Lawson) set with LAUA.


The company is working on going to lawson 10 soon, and of course LAUA no longer works, so they are in the process of setting up a LS user test account that is granted a MASTER role and has wide open access to everything.


When they go into LID to do say a CTP install they are getting security violations. Here is the errors. What should I look for??



 06/22/2016 15:09:54  appmetaload started   productline: TRAIN   reading d:/law/law/train/Admin/install.log for patches: PATCH111654.200   Patches found:     PATCH111654.200 installed 06/22/2016 15:09:45 the following commands are being executed now   metaloadsys -l TRAIN d:/law/law/train/Admin/sys.list Security Violation Load failed, metaloadsys command returned an error code of 1.   metaloadelm -l TRAIN d:/law/law/train/Admin/elm.list Security Violation Load failed, metaloadelm command returned an error code of 1.   metaloadtbl -l TRAIN d:/law/law/train/Admin/tbl.list Security Violation Load failed, metaloadtbl command returned an error code of 1.   metaloadpgm -l TRAIN d:/law/law/train/Admin/pgm.list Security Violation Load failed, metaloadpgm command returned an error code of 1.   metaloadwrk -l TRAIN d:/law/law/train/Admin/wrk.list Security Violation Load failed, metaloadwrk command returned an error code of 1.   metaloadlib -l TRAIN d:/law/law/train/Admin/lib.list Security Violation Load failed, metaloadlib command returned an error code of 1.   metaloadmnu -l TRAIN d:/law/law/train/Admin/mnu.list Security Violation Load failed, metaloadmnu command returned an error code of 1.   metaloadskn -l TRAIN d:/law/law/train/Admin/skn.list Security Violation Load failed, metaloadskn command returned an error code of 1.   metaloadmsg -l TRAIN d:/law/law/train/Admin/msg.list Security Violation Load failed, metaloadmsg command returned an error code of 1.   **  Load errors occurred - review:      d:/law/law/train/Admin/appmetaload.log  ** 06/22/2016 15:09:56  appmetaload completed

Todd Mitchell
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If your installation is the similar to ours, we had the same issue.  We had to go into TOKENDEF and add those tokens as valid tokens and then go to LS and assign them to the correct ENV security class.

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Lawson Security should be turned off when installing CTP's, if you're following the guide. But it looks like maybe the TRAIN data area, or meta executables, are not assigned in that security class.
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when you say tokens which tokens are you speaking up? like all of them??

Todd Mitchell
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The tokens you are getting security violations on, for some reason it seems that not all tokens were automatically added for us.  We actually had to manually add them, some of which are the same as you are also getting security violations on.


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Ok...i found where to grant those in LS. When I try to do a preview I am getting a security violation / ERROR productline cant be activated. Security Violation Use of uninitialized value in chomp at d:\law\gen\bin\lawappinstall line 749. ERROR - Productline cannot be Activated. The latest installation has not completed successfully.
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just found this.. Description: When running perl $GENDIR/bin/lawappinstall preview prodline name will receive: Security Violation Use of uninitialized value in chomp at /law/lsf10/gen/bin/lawappinstall line 749. ERROR - Productline status mismatch. The current status is . The expected status is PRODUCTION Resolution: The user running the lawappinstall preview needs access to the stgcmp utility under the ENV profile in the Developer Tools category in the security administrator.
Greg Moeller
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Most likely this error "The latest installation has not completed successfully" is the result of a previous dbreorg not finishing....

Do the dbreorg manually: dbreorg productline Then go back to your lawappinstall
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ok, im trying to pick up where I last left off. I am now trying to do a preview and getting "Security Violation ERROR - Database connection test failed"
Greg Moeller
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I think I just ran into this last week myself. Needed security to do a rngdbdump, or something similar. rngdump was not a delivered token, but rngdbdump was. You may have to add... may not.