Websphere Application Server not coming up

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Vijay S
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Posts: 174
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We are on Version 9.x and we are a federated system. Couple of days back, we were not able to log into our Dev portal, though Dev was up it was not recognizing anyone's password  . We thought of restarting Lawson Dev. We are using LTM security .Everything works fine like Restarting Landmark services, starting LSF, bringing up deployment manager for Landmark, bring up Node agent for Landmark, but we are not able to bring up application server up for landmark. It goes into starting state, it should ideally be in "started" (From Windows Services). We are not  able to bring the server up from ibm console either. LSF is working fine, even Websphere for portal works fine. When I checked the system.out.log for Landmark , it gives the following Error


[10/13/15 4:40:31:376 EDT] 00000025 webcontainer  E com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.WebContainer handleRequest SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle //sso/SSOServlet has not been defined.

When I try to login to the portal , I get the following message.:-

500 - Internal server error.

There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.

Any suggestions pls  !




