BATCH compile producing a security violation using pgmdef

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Nothing in security reports or logs. Admin account is receiving a security violation in pgmdef when attempting to compile ANY batch program, not 'online' program. The violation appears in place of the 'options' window. I am trying to locate the specific access granted to the delivered SuperAdminRole for each profile, class and object. I believe the object 'might' be element type in ADM. I say 'might' because my security class has it defined, But it can not locate the object rules under DataAreaERP>CATEGORY.  ELMGRP is there but not ELEMENT.  Any thoughts or ideas on would be appreciated...
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There was a patch issued at the end of May for PGMDEF receiving a security violation for batch programs. I would look at that on the Infor support site.
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Thanks JimY. We saw that one but it is in relation to the F6 function button in pgmdef. We just patched our environment from 10.0.6 to 10.0.9 and our tech said that patch was included. We do not have a problem with the F6 function. Our problem is inside the F4 Action function. I can pick compile -- program then I get the security violation. This is where I should be receiving the compile options window. I also saw a somewhat similar issue that was specific to ONLINE but that was in earlier releases than 10.0.9. I have discovered that if I turn off the security for the LOGAN profile I no longer get the violation. Now I'm trying to find out what is missing there, if anything.
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We are upgrading to 10.0.9 also and don't get a security violation. Have you tried using qcompile from the command line in LID? I usually d0 that instead of going through PGMDEF. It is interesting that you don't get in when you turn off security for the LOGAN profile as it should be controlled by the environment profile.