laua Data Security reports

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I'm confused about a few specific but correlated things on the laua data security listing report:


1) If there is no value in the "System Code" spot, does that mean that for  every system code the Security Class has access to based on the FormID Report - they have access to for the *same*  "From" and "To" Company/Process Levels based on that row in said Data Report?


2) same type of thought - if there is no value in the "Product Line" AND "System Code" does that make the From and To values apply to all Product Lines AND System Codes to the level of access for From and To at the Company/Process Levels?


3) Or, on the contrary to the above presumptions, if there is no From-To Company/Process Level defined for a Data Area that the security class appears to have access to based on the FormID report, do they have Low to High access for All Functions for each of those data areas - (not whatever was specified on the "blank" rows referred to in the above 2 questions).

Is there any doco. on Lawson's website re: interpreting this report?

Sorry, I tried to phrase those questions as simply as possible........

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Can you paste a line or two of examples into a post so we can see what you are looking at?

There is very little info about LAUA from Lawson. There are a few people on here, myself included, that have built our own systems to decipher the report and filter it for analysis.
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Thank you very much.  Here's an example for my 1st question - as you can see, sometimes if there is a blank in the "System Code" there are no other entries for that Product Line - or other times it will specify a few system codes (but not all that exist):

Security Class:  AR Product Line:    TEST1 System Code:     From       To            From             To    Company   Company     Process Level   Process Level      Access Level    -------   -------     -------------   -------------     ---------------        1      9999       *LOW            *HIGH             ALL FUNCTIONS

Security Class:  AR Product Line:    TEST2 System Code:     From       To            From             To    Company   Company     Process Level   Process Level      Access Level    -------   -------     -------------   -------------     ---------------        1      9999       *LOW            *HIGH             ALL FUNCTIONS

Security Class:  AR Product Line:    PROD System Code:     From       To            From             To    Company   Company     Process Level   Process Level      Access Level    -------   -------     -------------   -------------     ---------------        1      9999       *LOW            *HIGH             ALL FUNCTIONS Security Class:  AR Product Line:    PROD System Code:     AP     From       To            From             To    Company   Company     Process Level   Process Level      Access Level    -------   -------     -------------   -------------     ---------------        1      9999       *LOW            *HIGH             INQUIRY ONLY




Below is re: my 2nd question -


Security Class:  FINANCE Product Line: System Code:     From       To            From             To    Company   Company     Process Level   Process Level      Access Level    -------   -------     -------------   -------------     ---------------        1      9999       *LOW            *HIGH             INQUIRY ONLY Security Class:  FINANCE Product Line:    LOGAN System Code:     From       To            From             To    Company   Company     Process Level   Process Level      Access Level    -------   -------     -------------   -------------     ---------------        1      9999       *LOW            *HIGH             ALL FUNCTIONS Security Class:  FINANCE Product Line:    PROD System Code:     AP     From       To            From             To    Company   Company     Process Level   Process Level      Access Level    -------   -------     -------------   -------------     ---------------        1      9999       *LOW            *HIGH             INQUIRY ONLY


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Your guess was correct for the 1st question. Blank means it applies to all, a specific System Code limits by that code.

For the 2nd question, the above logic applies as well.

In your first examples, security class AR has all access to all companies and all process levels except for PROD AP where they only have Inquire ability.

for the 3rd question, you need to be aware that LAUA defaults to full access, then can be limited down to what the user needs. So, if there isn't something specifically defined, the users have all access.