Lawson 9 Security-Role does not recognize Rules

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I came across a situation, when I set CheckLS='YES', the Role does not recognize the Rules to access the Company and Process Level, based on the element group. It gives access to everything !

Same thing happens,  if I deny access to HR system code, for the same Role.

They work fine on LAUA with checkLS = "No"

When using LAUA it's easy to find exceptions from the ios.log.

In the above situation, what are the logs I can check where the Role's permissions are located ? 

Greatly appreciate your kind assistance.

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In the Lawson Security Administrator, when you go to Server Management -> Server -> Security Checking Tab is security on?
John Henley
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Also, see


Thanks for using the forums!
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Thanks to both of you.

I got the Security Rules for the Roles by running RM User Report via Lawson Security > Reports > Report Maintenance.

I have Security On for all the data areas.

I tried the Debug with exact Settings per John's link and this is all I got.

2008-05-01 09:54:53 com.lawson.lawsec.default.WARNING LOGGING.NOTIFICATION()

Info: Default logger com.lawson.lawsec.default configuration: level is FINEST, output file is lase_server.log

Users Logged:[ANIV]

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I vaguely remember having to do something special in Lawson Security Administrator from the class in order to debug rules. I want to say that on the Auditing + Logging tab we had to add "ALL" as a user to log but I'm not 100% certain. Is this correct John Henley?

Also, just out of curiosity do you use strToNum() in your rule? Can you post an example?

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We are new to Lawson Security and at the moment we use only Element Groups - Company and Process Level.
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Assuming LSF 9.0 Security is turned on, I would guess that you may have a rule conflict where although in one security class you restrict something, another security class grants the access. In LSF 9.0 Security, the greater access wins when there is a conflict. I would suggest creating a temporary role specifically for troubleshooting this issue and assigning 1 security class to it at a time to see which security class is granting the unwanted access. If your role is complex then you may have to get more granular and isolate the rule. Good luck!