Read Only Role

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I need to create a role that has read only access to the all HR, BN, LP, PA,PR,IF forms in production.   I am really hoping that I do not have to create a hundred new security classes with read only access.

Is there a way that I can globally grant them read only access to all forms in a productline or environment?






Deborah Griffin
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There is no way to do this other than at the form level. I usually create a class in each system code and add all the forms one by one that they need to see.
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I was contacted by a colleague 2 weeks ago to assist with the result of the laua2ls utility.  Admittedly, I worked with the utility early in its stages and have not tested it recently.  I have attempted what you are asking in object security, and of course the inquiry action does not exist, but Infor/Lawson has found a way to programmatically create this access with the laua2ls utility.  The result is not visible in LSA, but exists in the underlying raw LDAP code.  My colleague and I reviewed all above to validate the existence and test the result.  I did not have access to the client system, but trust the source of the discovery.  I have not had time to test the utility yet, but I hope to soon.  I would like to dump the class and dissect the custom rule that achieved this access.  The downfall, of course, is that the blue conditional rule exists without detail.  So, long story short, Lawson/Infor has found a way to achieve this in the laua2ls utility.

 I would like to know if anyone else is privy to this knowledge.

 Just an FYI....