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Crystal Labor Utiilization Report to publish in LBI      

Started By  Jan
This is a general information question on labor utilization reporting. I'm converting an existing custom Lawson back office report which shows labor utilization by company/cost center/job.  This is an old paper report that was earlier published to eBroadCast.  Some user issues were that it could not be effectively exported into an Excel spreadsheet for them to work with more effectively.  We have a few different versions of this back office report - one reports the numbers per pay period, anot...
3 54226 0
by Jan

Domain Name Change      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Our domain name needs to change and was hoping I could get some advice on how to EXPORT the LBI delivery devices. There's an Import option there, but no export.
1 1844 1
by Greg Moeller

Report Not bursting      

Started By  Greg Moeller
We've got a report that we can get to burst in our LBI Test environment, but not in our LBI Production environment. It's the SAME report. We've compared all of the setups including the backend data-sources. They seem to be identical. We're running the same version of LBI in Test and Prod: 10-6-27-0-400 The report in Prod runs everyday... just returns everything in a .pdf attachment vs just the stuff that the users are concerned with in a .pdf attachment. We just can't seem to get...
1 2892 1
by Keith Anetsberger

LBI Deployment from DEV to TEST to PROD      

Started By  George Graham
Wanted to start a thread to see what different methods people are using for deploying changes in LBI from a DEV/TEST environment to PROD. There are obviously several key areas that come into play - and this is just a couple of examples to get the ball roilling: 1. Reporting data sources - are they named differently Credentials different from one to the other 2. Published back office reports - differences in product line names and/or IOS services - are you manually changing them when deploy...
16 15594 0
by consulatant

Report for LBI reports posted and publishing/Report ID      

Started By  NatalieD
I'm trying to create one report that will tell me the location of all my published reports on LBI dashboards and what the correlating publishing numbers. I have two separate reports using ERS_Reports (enter publishing to get rpt name) and ENPBATREE (location of all reports including dashboard and module name) but can't find a way to link them together. Any thoughts
7 60462 1
by Greg Moeller

Exporting in MS Word format      

Started By  TBonney
Does anybody know if there is a way to force LBI to save exported documents in either .doc or .docx format instead of .rtf format when choosing Microsoft Word (editable) as the export format option When exporting the documents, even though choosing MS Word a the export format, the file type that it saves the file as is actually .RTF instead of either .doc or preferably .docx. We have been asked to use .doc/.docx because the documents saved in .rtf file format take up so much more space than ...
0 2993 1

Anyone using IBI to connect to .csv      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Is there anyone out there that's using IBI to connect to a .csv file as a datasource How do I set that up
0 3146 1

Lawson Table Relationship Question      

Started By  DataCarniv0r
Hello, I'm new to Lawson data. I have been provided 5 Lawson tables and only 5 tables in a data warehouse to report from. I'm hoping to get help understanding how to link them including which fields to link on, any composite joins, etc. I found some ERD's online, but couldn't find one that would fully visualize what I'm trying to do. The tables I need to link for reporting include: APINVOICE APDISTRIB APPAYMENTS APVENMAST TERMS Help appreciated. Thank you! Trevor
2 18187 1
by DataCarniv0r

File links from Dashboards      

Started By  Greg Moeller
What is the secret to getting links like the following to open up with Edge and/or InforOS. FILE:///P:/GHS/Lawson 10 - Upgrade/Team Areas/Accounts Payable/Lawson 10 procedures/AP EDI Scripts Pretty sure they were working with IE. Do I have to go through and replace all blanks with 20 and such
1 23751 1
by Greg Moeller

Disk space used by LawsonDocuments      

Started By  Greg Moeller
What are others doing for the ever-increasing disk space used by the LawsonDocuments and Archive folders I'd be interested in hearing all different opinions and comments.
1 52003 1
by Greg Moeller

Lawson printing      

Started By  JimMNH
For the time being we have asked users to open LBI reports as PDF and then print them. We would like to setup Lawson printing of these reports but this requires the setup and maintenance of printers, drivers, and user access to printers on the server itself. Since we have a hosted Lawson environment this is not trivial. I was wondering what sorts of solutions administrators in this community have utilized for printing of LBI reports that offers the easist setup/access for their user base
9 49366 0
by DarrenB

PO20 inventory items & MMDIST      

Started By  NatalieD
Hello All - Wondering if any of you have and experience pulling the accounting information for PO20 lines for inventory items. We have always used MMDIST - as referenced on the PO20 lines MMD-ACCOUNT, etc. Recently realized that some items in our custom query were not pulling. In chat with Infor, they stated that all PO lines account and accounting unit fields referencing MMD on the PO20 screen will be in MMDIST except for inventory items. They referenced IC04 for the IC12 to get the correct ...
2 44644 2
by Kat V

Crystal 2011 Displaying Duplicate Details Liines for Period 2 of 2020 - Leap year      

Started By  cpaine216
I am not sure why this happening. We query the oracle data manually and do not get duplicate data. The same report executes fine for 1/2020, 3/2020, and any other months in 2020 but when we run for february we get double lines on the detail line. I have been googling leap year issues or issues with crystal reports 2011 and 2/2020 but cannot come up with anything - has anyone experienced this behavior
1 39368 0
by Rajashanmugam

Email Job Reports      

Started By  JonA
Looking for a way to auto-email the report output for a recurring job. With much of our staff working from home they can't see the EDI PO acknowledgements that print off 3 times a day. Is there a way I can capture that report as attachment in an email and send it to all buyers
3 41340 0
by Ragu Raghavan

LBI 10.6 Sorting by Instance Name      

Started By  dcaiani
We recently upgraded to LBI 10.6 from 10.4. In each version up until 10.6 you could sort reports via the Instance Name, now in 10.6 you cannot. So we publish about 15 RW100 reports each month and keep the historical instances on LBI for 24 months. Each month the instance name is renamed in this format 'fiscal year period number actual month & year' (for example FY19 Period 04 January 2019). That way we could sort descending by instance number and it keeps the most current version on top ...
1 40104 0
by Greg Dey

Querying a business class      

Started By  Casy
We pull data from the SQL database for our Landmark environment. There is a field that we were unable to locate a table for and according to support, this field is only located in the audit log. The instructions provided on how to query the audit log are convoluted at best. Is anyone aware of a table that houses the below: Business Class: Employee Form Name: Terminate BusFormAttribute Name: Employee_reason_code Any idea if it truly does ONLY exist in the audit log We are on V10 Lan...
0 4028 0

MN Wage Theft Reporting Solutions      

Started By  thummel1
I am wondering what other Minnesota organizations have implemented as a reporting solution for the new MN Wage Theft Reporting laws that went into effective on 7/1/2019 Has anyone heard if Infor is working on a reporting solution All responses are welcome.
1 36765 1
by John Henley

Adding PO100 exception message to crytal report query      

Started By  katiepdx
I want to include the Reason for Exception in one of my Crystal report. This is the exception message from PO100 Error report. Any one know if this information stay somewhere in any of Lawson tables Thanks,
0 4079 1

Preserve formatting upon LBI export      

Started By  thummel1
We would like to be able to export existing LBI reports, (or set them to open directly as Excel (.xlsx)) so that the columns are sized according to the data in each column. The purpose of this is so that the end user does not have to spend the extra time re-sizing the columns to see all the data in each column of the Excel spreadsheet Is there a way to do this if the report is coming from Crystal I have tried changing some settings in the Export options within the Crystal report, which works...
2 42671 2
by JonA

Employee work history report      

Started By  Lance Jurgensen
Hello, New to Lawson and learning the data on the fly. HRHistory is a bit of a conundrum for me yet. I am trying to write SQL for a crystal report that will report a chronological history of an employees work history from Lawson. Similar to the PA340 Action History Listing but with more useful information :-) Basics such as Name, Employee, position, position description, FTE, supervisor, job code, status, date effective for all positions an employee has held. Would be grateful for any...
11 53177 3
by Dave Curtis

Adding more users to the sync      

Started By  Greg Moeller
I remember a LONG time ago, where we ran into a limit on how many users we could sync to LBI from LSF. I think we've hit that limit again, and was wondering if anyone here remembered where to change it at Any help would be appreciated! TIA, -Greg
3 44659 1
by Greg Moeller

PO31 comments table      

Started By  NatalieD
Anyone know what table houses the comments made on PO31 I know L_HPCR is for PO20 - need to query PO31 comments.
1 44779 1
by NatalieD

MA236 criteria.      

Started By  T.Welsh
Hello all, I am attempting to write an enhanced version of MA236 in Crystal XI. I aquired code on MA236 using 'bldsh' command but the exact criteria is still unclear to me. I can get within a few records of a perfect match to MA236, but I always end up a few records short and, in addition, get a few that are not in MA236. Has anyone attempted this in Crystal before If so, or even if not, does anyone have a clear set of criteria for MA236 Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank...
5 45952 2
by NatalieD

INFOR BI Issue      

Started By  vip1982
Hello Everyone, I would appreciate your support into the issue below, INFOR till now didnt solve it for us. We have installed the following: 1) Infor Business Vault Enterprise Edition 11.3.2 2) Infor BI OLAP Server (64 bit) 3) Infor LN Analytics Foundation 10.5.2 We are using Infor LN FP9. We have 2 companies: 222 and 333. Company 222 has common Master data in it which is shared with company 333. We have published all the data referring the document 'Infor_LN_I...
0 4472 2
0 4716 1
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RE: SQL Help
by Greg Moeller
11/9/2023 2:49 PM