Crystal Labor Utiilization Report to publish in LBI

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This is a general information question on labor utilization reporting.

I'm converting an existing custom Lawson back office report which shows labor utilization by company/cost center/job.  This is an old paper report that was earlier published to eBroadCast. 

Some user issues were that it could not be effectively exported into an Excel spreadsheet for them to work with more effectively.  We have a few different versions of this back office report - one reports the numbers per pay period, another presents the same data by month, another by year-to-date.

I'm looking to convert this into a Crystal report to be exported into Excel by end users.  On the technical side, I know how to write the sql to grab and summarize data and how to format the report to be easily exported to Excel.  My questions are

- has anyone converted old paper-based back office reports to Excel and what has been the acceptance by end users?

- what particular issues have you experienced as relates to end-user acceptance of such as change-over? (from paper-based report to spreadsheet oriented)?

- how have you summarized your data - by pay period, month, and year-to-date? or just one of these?

- are there any other points that worth knowing about which I have not asked about?

thanks in advance for any feedback you can give me


Ray Wagner
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I've converted back-end reports to Excel using the CSV conversion capability thru the prtmgr.  From which, I've downloaded the file to a local share and imported into M/S-Access.  From there I've developed better looking reports based upon criteria.  By doing it this way, the users can run their own imports and reports without touching the actual Lawson database.  Some have the knowledge to even write their own queries/reports once the data is in M/S-Access.  We do not use Crystal at my shop.  The only drawback I see (and this goes for any back end reporting tool), is that the data can be massaged (intentionally or unintentionally) before the final report/excel spreadsheet  is produced.

For back-end reports where we don't want the end-users to have their 'hands' in the data, I've developed a report bursting tool which actually works better (I think ;-) than what LBI offers for this same purpose.  My tool splits the reports based upon parameters entered and send the end users their own portion of the report (by dropping it into their own prtmgr) and fires off an email notification to them that the report is ready to be viewed.


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I have a labor utilization report that is rolled out to managers by AU. I have the bursting set to use the GL20 Attribute of Mgr-Rep tied to their Lawson User ID. By linking these together, as the management rep changes the reports still burst without any changes on the LBI side.

I have this rolled out to show just what they had received on paper in the past, prior months utilization.

I am working on the additional parameters of having them be able to select the period they want to see, we have not had the request to get to the pay period level only by month, summed by person, by AU and Account posted to.
I have it defaulting to a cystal report but users can export it to excel. It sounds like you could default it to an excel report.

Are they going to access this off of a dashboard or are you pushing it out to them another way?

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Thanks Mark,

We're going to publish this via the dashboard. My manager is relooking at how to format this report for now. We're probably going to burst like you have - using GL20 information. The transitioning of this report from the back office report to Crystal is back on hold now until management determines which way to go. For the time being we're still generating the back office reports.

I'll probably get back into this later this year.