LBI On Demand-passing in authuser value

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We are using the LBI RS ers/ersRequestHandler.jsp? to create report bookmarks in Portal for remote EMSS users. Has anyone been able to use &SelFormula or perhaps &LawUserID to pull the authuser value (user who has logged in)? For example, if user 3436 logs in, I want that valued passed as a parameter into the LBI\Crystal report so the user only sees their data. Let me know. Thanks. (need it for Portal and eventually workspace, these users won't have LSO).
Chris Martin
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Yes, but it's been awhile and need to check old notes. Will follow up with info...
Matthew Nye
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Be curious to see what Chris has on this but as I recall you need to add a new parameter to the crystal report called LAWSON_CurrentUser. Supposedly this is a supported RS variable that will automatically pass the username. Just a note, there was a known bug with this that it will not work in one of the early releases of RS so you may need to patch RS first.
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Ruma Malhotra
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This will work work when you add a new LBI parameter and call it "UserID" . On the LBI parameter screen if you map this variable to the RS variable "CurrentUser" you can tie a crystal report data set to the data that the user who logs in can see.
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I think Matthew and Ruma covered it. We use it alot for reports that we pass to ESS. The employee only sees their data, the report only pulls their data. Works very well for things like PTO Transaction Report, Total Compensation and things like that.
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Hi there, I had written an illustrated article on this very topic last year, see here:
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Thanks alot everyone. Employee number is numeric (and lbi user is a string), so I created a formula field in Crystal "EmpStr". Then I created the LBI parmeter UserID (per Rama) for that field (hidden as Will describes), and made the Default Value "@CurrentUser". So when I log on with my employee id (our EMSS accounts use that), and click on the report I see only the data for my employee number (so far done the BN242 Benefits Statement and Pay History). Currently only MSS users have LBI, so I'm creating a new "LBIESS" group and just give them one dashboard "Employee Documents". I'll run it by the team, we'll have to watch the capacity of the server, I know this will be easier once we upgrade to LBI 10 (and if necessary add another). Perfect world we'd hoped to pass in "authuser" from the ESS session (so the user wouldn't even need an LBI account), but not sure how doable that is unless we create a custom page. Same hit on the server either way.
Who Da Philly
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I know this is an old thread but has anyone had success with this in Version 10? I tried clicking the "Link above" but it is no longer valid.