PO20 inventory items & MMDIST

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Hello All - Wondering if any of you have and experience pulling the accounting information for PO20 lines for inventory items. We have always used MMDIST - as referenced on the PO20 lines MMD-ACCOUNT, etc. Recently realized that some items in our custom query were not pulling.

In chat with Infor, they stated that all PO lines account and accounting unit fields referencing MMD on the PO20 screen will be in MMDIST except for inventory items. They referenced IC04 for the IC12 to get the correct accounting information.

Based on what you know, is this true? I'm still working through my samples to see if that is how it works - since all the documentation on MMDIST I can find do not mention not including "i" type items.

Thanks much!
Jeff N
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I don't think MMDIST has "I" items. If you are building a report you could probably build a formula to put in the balance sheet accounts.
Kat V
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Today I learned the Lawson Logic* behind this.

When adding an inventory item to PO - this is a future quantity and not a GL transaction- the accounting unit information is not editable nor is it actually on MMDIST. It's a display from the IC04ICCategory table. I think of it like the manufacturer name appearing on IC11 from manufacturer. For I type items, PO cannot change accounting information.

PO Line and MMDIST are for expenses and to Lawson an I type item is a quantity transaction. So the accounting unit info is a display only and to get to it - you need to if/then or case/when - when the POLine item type is I then use iccategory.acct-unit, iccategory.account, iccategory.sub-acct. For all other item types - use mmdist.

The PO receipt then hits ICTrans table and it is NOW that the quantity needs account info. The next IC130 posts it to GL from that table. So it *never* hits MMDIST - which is where my brain keeps breaking.

This setup is why you cannot change account information for I type items on PO. It's not actually there. But you can charge other item types to a balance sheet - or event he same inventory account and they will show on MMDIST. It's not the account - it's the item type that PO Line cares about.

*Lawson Logic may occasionally sound like human logic, but they are very, very different.