Application Links

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Do you have some time to help a 'rookie'? I've built lots of Smart Notes, but have never incorporated an application link. Let's say I build a simple notification based on HR11 information and I want the Details link to take the recipient to HR11, already inquired on the company/employee in the row from the infoset. When I build the infoset, and get to step 3 adding an application link, there are 4 items to add, Name (just create a name for the link?), Class (URL?), Tag -this is the major part I don't understand....and lastly Class (Cell, Range or Both) I think I could get this if I really understood the parts of the tag statement.....can someone give me a simple example, and where I get the info from? This is to be a link to Portal, and I don't have access to a Lawson Web Integration tool as suggested in the Lawson SN User Guide.
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I understand this is an old post but I have the same questions and don't see them answered anywhere. Robby did you figure out how to accomplish your task? Details would be appreciated as I am trying to do the same thing and am not sure what to plug into all the boxes. Thanks.
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I did find a way to make this happen, but I know there must be a better way. I've documented below the detailed instructions, but caution you that this way does have its issues, like---moving an InfoSet with these links from DEV to PROD, you basically have to rebuild the link from scratch. I know there has to be a way to code the URL so that it will dynamically find the correct server... To create the link, click on the words “Application Link” Name: Use a unique name for each infoset-link. Class: Always “URL” Tag: https://<>/lawson/portal/index.htm?TKN=PA02.1&_HK=[COMPANY][POSITION] Note: replace 'PA02.1' with whatever form you want to go to-some forms are tougher to get to and might not "inquire" fully. The section “[COMPANY][EMPLOYEE]” indicates the fields in the InfoSet to use to ‘Inquire’ on the Lawson form. When building an InfoSet to use with a link to the Lawson form, the data which will be used to inquire on the form must be formatted correctly, Example: The field ‘Company’ is not just the numbers ‘99’, it is really a 4 place character, and is actually treated as text by the form, so the InfoSet ‘output’ must be ‘0099’, which in SQL is LPAD((TO_CHAR(T1.COMPANY,'FM0000')),4,'0') "COMPANY" Employee would be represented as: LPAD((TO_CHAR(T1.EMPLOYEE,'FM000000000')),9,'0') "EMPLOYEE" Another note: While training this last section to some folks, I think we were able to make it work without being too specific with the formatting, use a little trial and error here. Hope this helps! Robby
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Robby, Thanks for the quick reply and detailed instructions. I will revisit my smartnote soon to try out your instructions.
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I was trying to do the same thing with a smart note but the form AP52 need four fields passed to it and made it hard to get the key right. I built the key in the SQL statement and had to pass one field from the info set. https://<>/lawson/portal/index.htm?_PDL=PROD&_TKN=AP52.1&_HK=[HKEY]