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George Graham
Veteran Member
Posts: 201
2/22/2011 6:11 PM
I've seen a couple of old postings on this with no resolution so thought I would try this again. Looking for a way to burst the notification both in email and on the dashboard using the same notification. I believe I could do this with the same infoset but creating two different notifications - one for the email notificaiton and one for the dashboard, but with the dashboard using a parameter in the query. But I would rather have a single notification to manage. Has anyone been able to get this to work? My example would be bursting based upon assigned accounting unit(cost center) - when a person logs on and displays a notification I want it to burst to only their info - just like it would with the email delivery...
Matthew Nye
Veteran Member
Posts: 514
2/22/2011 6:33 PM
George, Unfortunately this is not possible. In order to burst to a dashboard you have to identify a column in the Notification that is to be filtered by the user that is logged in. When the notification is burst via email this field will be applied to the admin user resulting in everyone seeing what the admin is entitled to see. I know its the best solution but you can just create the exact same notification with no EMPLOYEE.USERID item selected. hth, Matt
George Graham
Veteran Member
Posts: 201
2/28/2011 12:17 PM
Is there any way to use a variable within a condition on a SN? And...from a SN is there anything that tracks who is logged in to LBI? My thought was that I could make a column a measure that I could use in a condition - and set that condition so that the value is equal to the person who logged in to LBI - and that would filter the data in the SN (on the dashboard) for that person. The only other thing I can think of is to make it a parameter and subscribe individuals - but then I can't see how to link that specific subscription to the dashboard generically.....
Matthew Nye
Veteran Member
Posts: 514
2/28/2011 1:48 PM
"tracking whos logged in" I assume you mean being able to tell what user is currently looking at the SN, NOT tracking the exact time when a user logs in. For this, see the User Manual on setting up a Personal Data Value. You may already have it set up as its a common post-install task for most LBI Installers. It would be called EMPLOYEE.USERID (or something of that nature). As for the rest of the question Im not quite following. Are you still trying to make one notification for both Email AND dashboard delivery?
George Graham
Veteran Member
Posts: 201
2/28/2011 2:43 PM
I'm content with having two notifications - one for email delivery and one for dashboard - so that's not really the concern. Let me try to show an example: I have an infoset that has: Emp#, Name, Manager ID, Manager Name, Review Date, Department 123, Jeff Nelson, 456, Jack Smith, 04/15/2011, DF002 124, Mary Smith, 457, John Thompson, 05/12/2011, DF003 When the Manager Jack Smith logs into LBI and sees the notification for reviews we want him to only see line 1 - Jeff Nelson. The Manager's ID (456) matches the login in ldap which is what they use to log in with. I also have a second infoset queries the LDAP and gets other related info so that for Jack Smith I know his email and his assigned department from there as well. So I've got options. I can also marry this up by department and show everyone that matches Jack Smith's department. I've also tried storing and filtering the department in the Personal Data for Jack - as well as creating a Data Value for Jack. But no matter which way I try to match these up I can't get it to do the filtering. I've tried using a variable in the condition of the SN but I may not be using the correct structure (not well documented). Does this make more sense?
George Graham
Veteran Member
Posts: 201
2/28/2011 2:48 PM
And let me throw in - the IDs are not numeric - it may look like "rxw011". So with variables and measures those are all associated with numerics.....we need to filter on a string value.
Matthew Nye
Veteran Member
Posts: 514
2/28/2011 3:26 PM
You need to use the Personal Data Value I mentioned above. After that you have a number of ways of associating the data. The easiest but not the most manageable would be to use the Option I presented to David in this thread in regards to caching your infosets and then selecting from two joined by SQL in a 3rd infoset:
Another option would be to do linked InfoSets in the last step of the Notification. This process is a bit more difficult and I dont recall all the steps off the top of my head. It involves associated categories to the linked columns and setting them to parameters in Step 1 if I recall correctly. Sorry I cant be more specific, this is one of those case-to-case items with SmartNotes that really requires sitting down and working through the specific environment to figure it out.
George Graham
Veteran Member
Posts: 201
2/28/2011 3:35 PM
I understand your thread - and marrying the related data is not a problem for me - but that still returns ALL of the rows, not those filtered out by the user that we need to identify...correct? I'm not sure if we are talking apples/apples.
George Graham
Veteran Member
Posts: 201
2/28/2011 3:46 PM
I had thought that the correct way to do this was set up a personal data value for the login and attach it to a category - and then in the info set match that category on the column with the user id...but that isn't working. BUT *** we have other issues with LBI filtering so I'm hoping I'm not stumbling on a bug instead of thinking its not working....
Matthew Nye
Veteran Member
Posts: 514
2/28/2011 3:59 PM
ok, thats something that I CAN address. If youve got the PDV set up and it doesnt seem to be working, 1st make sure the filter in the header of the table (multi-fact) is displaying the correct user. If so, check the security on the PDV. It need to be shared with all the users that will be filtering. Just for safety I give everyone access to this as it doesnt actually carry any values in this case that are sensitive. You did add the UserId Category to both the PDV and the Manager ID column in your infoset right? As far as joining, youll need to find a common link between them. Are you storing Employee ID in LDAP? That would be the easiest way. hth Matt
Susan Prentice
Posts: 3
12/23/2013 6:12 PM
George, I'd like to understand how to use the Bursting tab in Delivery in SN 10.1. I want to do several things: 1) burst a SN sent as an email to specific individuals with specific data values for activities they have access to (defined in their rights) or/and 2) send an email to individuals alerting them to log into the dashboard to see a SN that has their activities (defined in their rights/bursted). I've created an Infoset, checked on burst for Activity, and select a structure/map. Then when I get to the Bursting tab, I don't have enough info how to set things up. It looks like it's seeking email addresses from an Infoset…is that still needed? If I burst on Activity in the Bursting tab on delivery, then I get 1 email for each activity and there is no right bursting at all..the entire universe of activities is returned as 1 by 1 activities. How are either of these accomplished using the Bursting tab info? Or is there another step? How are the email addresses setup? Thanks. Your previous posts re: linking Crystal reports to each other via http: were helpful to me as I was able to get that working. Susan Prentice sprentice@indra.net
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