Compare 2 Separate Smart Notes?

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Hi, I need to create a Smart Note that will identify individuals who have transferred OUT OF a specific Job Class. I thought I could set up a Smart Note to compare the current run to the prior run. The Smart Note would have to show who the people that are no longer in C05 and C10. Here's what I "think" I need to do. First, I would create an Infoset with everyone in C05 or C10 Job Class. (FYI, I am not sure what would be the "Key" for this Infoset. Would it be Job Class if that's all I want to compare?) Then in the Notification, under "Conditions", I assume I need to create a "Tell me if" statement that will look for the Job Classes that are no longer in C05 or C10, but I don't know which "Tell Me If" Statement does that? I am looking at my Lawson Book "Smart Notification User and Administration guide" and the descriptions of the conditions to selected are A: Only half there, and B: If they are there they make no sense becaue they do not provide example so you can understand how each condition is designed to work. Can a Smart Note be built to run that way? There's GOT to be a way for a Smart Note to catch records that no longer meet a condition??
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Hi, Not sure I understand your needs fully, but I think this is how I would do it. You would want to have the job class as one of the key field on the infoset. This lets you select one or more values from that column to display in your smart note using the select facts tab when creating your notification. Filtering on job class C05 and C10 but selecting [all] on all other keys would give you a list of people with those job classes. Then with your conditions you would want to use "has deleted items". This would show items that has been removed from the C05 or C10 job classes. Just make sure to have enough key fields on the infoset to identify your individual employees, not just the job class, for example employee nbr (I'm not that familiar with HR so don't know the exact name of the field right now).
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Posts: 121
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Thank you for your reply Markus. My Smart Note set up so that it is capturing employees who are no longer in these Job Classes; however, the Smart Note is also picking up other things when they change, even if the Job Class does not change. I imagine there is a way to enter the Smart Notification so that notices will not generate "unless" the Employee is not in the C05 or C10 job class anymore? Under my Selections of my Conditions, I have one selection set to Multi-Fact, and it has all the data fields the end-user wants to see. The second condition is set to "Items no longer in...(or "has deleted Items" is how it looks when you're selecting the condition). I have 2 keys; the Employee ID and the Job Class. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.