Error in scheduling the SN burst

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Vishnu Priya
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Posts: 6
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Hi All, I am trying to schedule a Smart notification that is burst to send the details of the employees. Here is the scenario. Step 1 I have created an infoset Company property New items in Data from Company Properties EMPLOYEE FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR CODE EMAIL_ADDRESS 257220 HALINA LINCOLN 79101 NS-NSGPMG KEYS Step 2 : I have created a notification property and I have burst the nootification to send the notification to the person in the email address. So in this case the notification will be sent to Arun. Now I want to schedule this burst. So I tried to use the Schedule option in the Work with Infosets. There I tried to add a Job schedule. After giving all the information like Job name, Job frequency and click the save option it doesn't take me to any other window .It refreshes back to the same window without showing any details that I have entered. I don't see any error messages also there. To verify when I look at the Schedule Administration option in the Admin tab , I am not able to see any job added . Could anyone please help me to understand why I am not able to schedule the SN burst. Thanks and Regards, Vishnu Priya